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Actel FPGA Description
The Actel families of FPGAs offer a variety of packages, speed/performance characteristics, and processing levels for use in all high reliability and military applications. Devices are implemented in a silicon gate, two-level metal CMOS process, utilizing Actel’s PLICE antifuse technology. This unique architecture offers gate array flexibility, high performance, and quick turnaround through user programming. Device utilization is typically 95 percent of available logic modules. All Actel devices include on-chip clock drivers and a hard-wired distribution network.
? Highly Predictable Performance with 100 Automatic Placement and Routing
? Device Sizes from 1,200 to 20,000 Gates
? Up to 6 Fast, Low-Skew Clock Networks
? Up to 202 User-Programmable I/O Pins
? More Than 500 Macro Functions
? Up to 1,276 Dedicated Flip-Flops
? I/O Drive to 10 mA
? Devices Available to DSCC SMD
? CQFP and CPGA Packaging
? Nonvolatile, User Programmable
? Logic Fully Tested Prior to Shipment
? 100 Military Temperature Tested (–55°C to +125°C)
? QML Certified Devices
? Proven Reliability Data Available
? Successful Military/Avionics Supplier for Over 10 Years
ACT 3 Features
? Highest-Performance, Highest-Capacity FPGA Family
? System Performance to 60 MHz over Military Temperature
? Low-Power 0.8? CMOS Technology
3200DX Features
? 100 MHz System Logic Integration
? Highest Speed FPGA SRAM, up to 2.5 kbits Configurable Dual-Port SRAM
? Fast Wide-Decode Circuitry
? Low-Power 0.6? CMOS Technology
1200XL Features
? Pin for Pin Compatible with ACT 2
? System Performance to 50 MHz over Military Temperature
? Low-Power 0.6? CMOS Technology
ACT 2 Features
? Best-Value, High-Capacity FPGA Family
? System Performance to 40 MHz over Military Temperature
? Low-Power 1.0? CMOS Technology
ACT 1 Features
? Lowest-Cost FPGA Family
? System Performance to 20 MHz over Military Temperature
? Low-Power 1.0? CMOS Technology
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- 制造商
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Actel Corporation
- 功能描述
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市永贝尔科技有限公司 |
A1240A-1PG256C |
23+ |
原厂原包 |
19960 |
只做进口原装 终端工厂免费送样 |
深圳市科恒伟业电子有限公司 |
A1240A1PQ144C |
1836+ |
QFP144 |
9852 |
只做原装正品现货!或订货假一赔十! |
瑞航达科技(深圳)有限公司 |
A1240A-1PL84C |
638 |
原装正品 |
深圳市华来深电子有限公司 |
A1240A-1PQ144C |
23+ |
QFP-144 |
8650 |
受权代理!全新原装现货特价热卖! |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
A1240A-1PL84C |
Microsemi Corporation |
24+ |
84-PLCC(29.31x29.31) |
65200 |
一级代理/放心采购 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
A1240A-1PL84C |
20+ |
PLCC-84 |
1001 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
深圳市宏捷佳电子科技有限公司 |
A1240A-1PL84C |
Microsemi Corporation |
24+ |
84-LCC(J 形引线) |
9350 |
独立分销商 公司只做原装 诚心经营 免费试样正品保证 |
易创佳业科技(深圳)有限公司 |
A1240A1PLG84C |
Microsemi Corporation |
23+ |
84PLCC (29.31x29.31) |
9000 |
原装正品,支持实单 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
A1240A1PQ144C |
2447 |
100500 |
一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长期排单到货 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
A1240A1PL84C |
Microsemi Corporation |
22+ |
84PLCC (29.31x29.31) |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
A1240A-1PG256C 资料下载更多...
A1240A-1PG256C 产品相关型号
- 1553BBC-XX
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- 2030-EUJT-1TDA
- 800Z-GN3064Y-K2
- 800Z-GP2244Y-K2
- A10V10B-2PQ84I
- A10V10B-3PQ84C
- A1225DX-FCQC
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- A14V15AA-2BG208I
- A14V15AA-3PG208M
- A54SX08P-1PQG208PP
- A54SX72A-1CQ208B
- AGL030V2-FVQG144
- AGL600
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- AGLP030-V2FVQG289I
- AGLP030-V5VQ289I
- EX128-PTQG100A
- EX256-PCSG100
- EX256-PTQG100
- LT4356CDE-1-TR
- LT5522EUF
- LT5525
- M1AFS250-FG256I
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Actel Corporation
Actel Corporation成立于198 Actel是一家专注于非易失性现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和可编程逻辑器件设计的半导体公司。公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,Actel以其在低功耗和高可靠性FPGA解决方案方面的创新而知名,广泛应用于航空航天、国防、工业、通信和消费电子等领域。主要产品包括FPGA,Actel的FPGA产品以其低功耗和高耐用性著称,适合各种嵌入式系统和复杂的逻辑设计;抗辐射FPGA,特别设计用于航空航天和国防应用,具有高耐辐射性;微控制器和嵌入式解决方案,支持多种现代应用,提供强大的计算能力和灵活性;可编程逻辑装置,满足不同设计需求的逻辑解决方案。Actel的产品广