位置:APA075-TQG1152PP > APA075-TQG1152PP详情
Device Family Overview
The ProASICPLUS family of devices, Actel’s second generation family of flash FPGAs, offers enhanced performance over Actel’s ProASIC family. It combines the advantages of ASICs with the benefits of programmable devices through nonvolatile flash technology.
Features and Benefits
High Capacity
Commercial and Industrial
? 75,000 to 1 Million System Gates
? 27 K to 198 Kbits of Two-Port SRAM
? 66 to 712 User I/Os
? 300, 000 to 1 Million System Gates
? 72 K to 198 Kbits of Two Port SRAM
? 158 to 712 User I/Os
Reprogrammable Flash Technology
? 0.22 ?m 4 LM Flash-Based CMOS Process
? Live At Power-Up (LAPU) Level 0 Support
? Single-Chip Solution
? No Configuration Device Required
? Retains Programmed Design during Power-Down/Up Cycles
? Mil/Aero Devices Operate over Full Military Temperature Range
? 3.3 V, 32-Bit PCI, up to 50 MHz (33 MHz over military temperature)
? Two Integrated PLLs
? External System Performance up to 150 MHz
Secure Programming
? The Industry’s Most Effective Security Key (FlashLock?)
Low Power
? Low Impedance Flash Switches
? Segmented Hierarchical Routing Structure
? Small, Efficient, Configurable (Combinatorial or Sequential) Logic Cells
High Performance Routing Hierarchy
? Ultra-Fast Local and Long-Line Network
? High-Speed Very Long-Line Network
? High-Performance, Low Skew, Splittable Global Network
? 100 Routability and Utilization
? Schmitt-Trigger Option on Every Input
? 2.5 V / 3.3 V Support with Individually-Selectable Voltage and Slew Rate
? Bidirectional Global I/Os
? Compliance with PCI Specification Revision 2.2
? Boundary-Scan Test IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Compliant
? Pin-Compatible Packages across the ProASICPLUS Family
Unique Clock Conditioning Circuitry
? PLL with Flexible Phase, Multiply/Divide, and Delay Capabilities
? Internal and/or External Dynamic PLL Configuration
? Two LVPECL Differential Pairs for Clock or Data Inputs
Standard FPGA and ASIC Design Flow
? Flexibility with Choice of Industry-Standard Front-End Tools
? Efficient Design through Front-End Timing and Gate Optimization
ISP Support
? In-System Programming (ISP) via JTAG Port
? SmartGen Netlist Generation Ensures Optimal Usage of Embedded Memory Blocks
? 24 SRAM and FIFO Configurations with Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation up to 150 MHz (typical)
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144 |
23+ |
TQFP144 |
45 |
原装现货假一赔十 |
深圳市航润创能电子集团有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144 |
21+ |
TQFP-144 |
836 |
原装现货假一赔十 |
深圳市中福国际管理有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144 |
20+ |
TQFP-144 |
836 |
进口原装现货,假一赔十 |
深圳市科芯源微电子有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144 |
25+ |
TQFP144 |
36 |
原装正品,欢迎来电咨询! |
深圳诚思涵科技有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144 |
24+ |
TQFP144 |
25161 |
公司现货库存 支持实单 |
深圳市星佑电子有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144I |
0805+ |
TQFP-144 |
1145 |
全新原装现货绝对自己公司特价库 |
齐创科技(上海,北京,青岛)有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144I |
23+ |
TQFP-144 |
5000 |
原装正品,假一罚十 |
深圳市卓越微芯电子有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144I |
2020+ |
QFP144 |
600 |
百分百原装正品 真实公司现货库存 本公司只做原装 可 |
深圳市华斯顿科技有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144I |
22+23+ |
QFP144 |
44367 |
绝对原装正品全新进口深圳现货 |
深圳市科恒伟业电子有限公司 |
APA075-TQG144I |
1922+ |
QFP144 |
6852 |
只做原装正品现货!或订货假一赔十! |
APA075-TQG1152PP 资料下载更多...
APA075-TQG1152PP 产品相关型号
- 1.5KE68A/CA
- 8098254
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- 8098264
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- APA075-TQ1152ES
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- APA075-TQ1152PP
- APA075-TQ144I
- APA075-TQG1152ES
- APA075-TQG1152I
- SCC205K122H4-24-F
- SCC205K122H4-28-F
- SCC205K601H5-24-F
- SCC205K601H5-28-F
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Actel Corporation
Actel Corporation成立于198 Actel是一家专注于非易失性现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和可编程逻辑器件设计的半导体公司。公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,Actel以其在低功耗和高可靠性FPGA解决方案方面的创新而知名,广泛应用于航空航天、国防、工业、通信和消费电子等领域。主要产品包括FPGA,Actel的FPGA产品以其低功耗和高耐用性著称,适合各种嵌入式系统和复杂的逻辑设计;抗辐射FPGA,特别设计用于航空航天和国防应用,具有高耐辐射性;微控制器和嵌入式解决方案,支持多种现代应用,提供强大的计算能力和灵活性;可编程逻辑装置,满足不同设计需求的逻辑解决方案。Actel的产品广