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General Description
The MAX38640–MAX38643 are a nanoPower family of
ultra-low 330nA quiescent current buck (step-down) DCDC
converters that operate from 1.8V to 5.5V input voltage
and support load currents of up to 175mA, 350mA,
700mA with peak efficiencies of 96. While in shutdown,
there is only 5nA of shutdown current. The devices offer
ultra-low quiescent current, small total solution size, and
high efficiency throughout the load range. The
MAX38640–MAX38643 are ideal for battery applications
where long battery life is a must.
The MAX38640–MAX38643 family utilizes a unique control
scheme that allows ultra-low quiescent current and
high efficiency over a wide output current range. The
MAX38642 excludes active discharge resistor in shutdown,
which allows the output to be regulated or held high
by another source or by the charged output capacitor.
The MAX38640–MAX38643 devices are offered in a
space-saving 1.42mm x 0.89mm, 6-pin WLP (2x3 bump,
0.4mm pitch), as well as a 2mm x 2mm, 6-pin μDFN package.
All parts are specified over the -40°C to +85°C extended
temperature range.
Benefits and Features
● Extends Battery Life
? 330nA Ultra-Low Quiescent Supply Current
? 5nA Shutdown Current
? 96 Peak Efficiency and over 88 at 10μA
● Easy to Use – Addresses Popular Operation
? 1.8V to 5.5V Input Range
? Single Resistor-Adjustable VOUT from 0.7V to 3.3V
? Preprogrammed VOUT from 0.5V to 5.0V (B-Option)
? ±1.75 Output Voltage Accuracy
? Up to 175mA/350mA/700mA Load Current
● Protects System in Multiple Use Cases
? Reverse-Current Blocking in Shutdown
? Optional Active Discharge Feature
● Reduces Size and Increases Reliability
? -40°C to +85°C Temperature Range
? 2mm x 2mm, 6-pin μDFN Package
? 1.42mm x 0.89mm, 0.4mm Pitch 6-pin (2 x 3) WLP
● Portable, Space-Constrained Consumer Products
● Wearable Devices, Ultra-Low-Power IoT, NB IoT, and
Bluetooth? LE
● Single Li-ion (Li+) and Coin Cell Battery Products
● Wired or Wireless Industrial Products
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市水星电子有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
ADI/Maxim |
24+ |
25382 |
专注ADI/Maxim品牌原装正品代理分销,认准水星电子 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
MAXIM/美信 |
23+ |
N/A |
17748 |
原厂可订货,技术支持,直接渠道。可签保供合同 |
深圳市得捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
MAXIM/美信 |
23+ |
N/A |
22016 |
正规渠道,免费送样。支持账期,BOM一站式配齐 |
柒号芯城电子商务(深圳)有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+T |
2024+ |
N/A |
70000 |
柒号只做原装 现货价秒杀全网 |
深圳市佳斯泰科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
Maxim |
22+ |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
深圳市宏誉半导体有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
2208+ |
N/A |
3700 |
全新原装 |
深圳市宏捷佳电子科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Inte |
24+ |
9350 |
独立分销商 公司只做原装 诚心经营 免费试样正品保证 |
深圳市万佳诚业科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
Maxim(美信) |
23+ |
15000 |
专业帮助客户找货 配单,诚信可靠! |
深圳市中联芯电子有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+ |
24+ |
N/A |
10700 |
市场最低 原装现货 假一罚百 可开原型号 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
MAX38640AENT+T |
Maxim(美信) |
2021+ |
6000 |
原装现货,欢迎询价 |
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MAX38640AENT+ 产品相关型号
- 1080528
- 5055700501
- ATS-19C-04-C3-R0
- ATS-19C-86-C3-R0
- DVP-7612HE
- DVP-7621HE
- FT800EMT
- HCC4040B
- HCC4040BDG
- HCC4040BDT
- HCC4040BK1
- HCC4040BKG
- HCC4040BKT
- K4A8G165WB
- K4A8G165WC
- MAX38640BELT+
- MAX38640BELT18+T
- MAX38640BELT21+T
- MAX38640BENT+
- MAX38640BENT06+T
- MAX38640BENT065+T
- RTL8211F
- SC8-50-S10-C
- SC8-50-S10-C0
- SD2500-124
- SD2500-148
- SD2500-212
- SD2500-224
- SD2500-248
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Analog Devices 亚德诺半导体技术有限公司
(Analog Devices,简称ADI)成立于1965年,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州诺丁汉,是全球领先的高性能模拟、混合信号和数字信号处理集成电路(IC)设计与制造公司。ADI致力于为各种应用提供创新的解决方案,涵盖通信、工业、汽车、医疗、消费电子和数据中心等多个领域。 公司以其强大的研发实力和专业技术著称,拥有广泛的产品组合,包括放大器、转换器、传感器和处理器等,能够满足客户在信号处理和控制方面的需求。ADI的产品被广泛应用于数据测量、无线通信、音频处理、视频监控以及自动化和控制系统等领域。 模拟器件公司始终致力于推动技术创新,凭借强大的科技实力,为客户提供高效、可靠的解决方案,帮助他们提高