位置:SSM2165-2P > SSM2165-2P详情
The SSM2165 is a complete and flexible solution for condition ing microphone inputs in computer audio systems. It is also excellent for improving vocal clarity in communications and public address systems. A low noise voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) provides a gain that is dynamically adjusted by a control loop to maintain a set compression characteristic. The compression ratio is set by a single resistor and can be varied from 1:1 to over 15:1 relative to the fixed rotation point. Signals above the rotation point are limited to prevent overload and to eliminate “popping.” A downward expander (noise gate) prevents amplification of noise or hum. This results in optimized signal levels prior to digitization, thereby eliminating the need for additional gain or attenuation in the digital domain that could add noise or impair accuracy of speech recognition algorithms. The flexibility of setting the compression ratio and the time constant of the level detector, coupled with two values of rotation point, make the SSM2165 easy to integrate in a wide variety of microphone conditioning applications.
Complete Microphone Conditioner in an 8-Lead Package
Single 5 V Operation
Preset Noise Gate Threshold
Compression Ratio Set by External Resistor
Automatic Limiting Feature Prevents ADC Overload
Adjustable Release Time
Low Noise and Distortion
20 kHz Bandwidth (±1 dB)
Low Cost
Microphone Preamplifier/Processor
Computer Sound Cards
Public Address/Paging Systems
Communication Headsets
Telephone Conferencing
Guitar Sustain Effects Generator
Computerized Voice Recognition
Surveillance Systems
Karaoke and DJ Mixers
- 类型
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- 制造商
- 制造商全称
Analog Devices
- 功能描述
Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Gating
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市富诚威科技有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
24+ |
2978 |
十年品牌!原装现货!!! |
深圳市恒创达实业有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
17+ |
器件和集成 |
6200 |
100%原装正品现货 |
深圳市弘为电子有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
24+ |
原厂封装 |
1000 |
原装现货假一罚十 |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
24+ |
SOP8 |
35400 |
全新原装现货/假一罚百! |
深圳市芯诚实创科技有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
2022 |
SOP8 |
105 |
全新原装现货热卖 |
飞利飞科技有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
2019+/2020+ |
SOP8 |
1500 |
原装正品现货库存 |
香港创芯邦电子有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
23+ |
32 |
现货库存 |
深圳市赛美科科技有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
SOP8 |
1500 |
一级代理 原装正品假一罚十价格优势长期供货 |
上海磐岳电子有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
2023+ |
SOP8 |
5800 |
进口原装,现货热卖 |
深圳市宏世佳电子科技有限公司 |
SSM2165-2S |
AD |
2025+ |
SOP-8 |
3587 |
全新原厂原装产品、公司现货销售 |
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SSM2165-2P 产品相关型号
- 357-034-456-278
- 357-034-459-102
- 357-034-459-178
- 357-034-459-208
- AM29LV640DU101RPCE
- AM29LV641DL101RPCE
- ATA00501S2C
- OP77GS
- OR2C15A-3BC304I
- OR2T15A-4BC304I
- RDC1741
- REF01
- REF43BRC/883
- SDC1740512B
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Analog Devices 亚德诺半导体技术有限公司
(Analog Devices,简称ADI)成立于1965年,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州诺丁汉,是全球领先的高性能模拟、混合信号和数字信号处理集成电路(IC)设计与制造公司。ADI致力于为各种应用提供创新的解决方案,涵盖通信、工业、汽车、医疗、消费电子和数据中心等多个领域。 公司以其强大的研发实力和专业技术著称,拥有广泛的产品组合,包括放大器、转换器、传感器和处理器等,能够满足客户在信号处理和控制方面的需求。ADI的产品被广泛应用于数据测量、无线通信、音频处理、视频监控以及自动化和控制系统等领域。 模拟器件公司始终致力于推动技术创新,凭借强大的科技实力,为客户提供高效、可靠的解决方案,帮助他们提高