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? AC input 110V or 220V switch selectable, 50-60 Hz
? DC bus voltage 75 VDC full load, 80 VDC nominal
? Switch selectable motor current from 0.5–5.5 amps/
? Microstepping:
? Pulse and Direction mode: switch selectable 200 to
50,800 steps/rev
? Oscillator/Joystick mode: 12,800 steps/rev
? Switch selectable idle current reduction, 0 or 50
? Optically isolated inputs/outputs
? Speed, Enable: optically isolated, differential 5–24 V
? Step, Direction: optically isolated, differential
5–12 V logic
? Wiper: 0–5VDC analog signal
? Tach & Fault output: isolated phototransistor.
Output is 100 pulses per motor revolution, 50
duty cycle.
? Internal Pot:
? Low speed 0–5 rps
? High speed 0–25 rps
? Accel/decel 1–250 rev/sec/sec
? External Speed, Pot or Joystick 3 terminal type, 1k–
10k ohms
? Self test, switch selectable
? 440 watts of usable power
? Overtemp, overcurrent and surge protection
? Screw terminal connectors
? Dual, MOSFET H-bridge, 3 state, pulse width modulated
amplifier switching at 20–30 KHz
? Ideal for 4, 6 or 8 leaded step motors NEMA sizes 23
or 34
? CE and TUV compliant
The PDO5580 is stepper drive packaged in a rugged
steel case painted black with white epoxy silkscreen. Integral
heat sink, mounting brackets, switch covers and
connectors are included with each drive. The drive has
been matched with twelve recommended NEMA 23 and
34 motors in order to create a complete stepper motion
The PDO5580 provides the user with four modes of operation
to choose from, Self test, Pulse & Direction, Joystick
or Oscillator. The specific operation mode desired
is selected during set up via DIP switch. DIP switchs are
also provided for setting the drive’s step resolution as
well as the motor current.
Self Test Mode is used for troubleshooting. If you are
unsure about the motor or signal connections to the
drive you can use the self-test.
Pulse & Direction Mode allows the PDO5580 to receive
step pulses from an indexer such as the Applied
Motion’s Si-100 or Si-1, or from a PLC or any other external
Joystick Mode allows speed and direction to be determined
by an external analog voltage. STEP and DIR inputs
can be used for limit switches. SPEED input selects
speed range. LO SPEED and HI SPEED pots adjust the 2
speed ranges.
Oscillator Mode can control speed by onboard potentiometers
and/or by an external analog voltage. STEP input
starts and stops the motor. DIR input controls direction
of rotation. SPEED input selects the speed range.
The PDO5580 also provides a Tach Output and Enable
A Tach Out signal is provided for measuring the motor
speed. It generates 100 pulses per revolution. If connected
to a frequency counter, speed reads out in revs/
second with two decimal places.
ENABLE allows the user to turn off the current to the
motor by setting this signal to logic 0. The logic circuitry
continues to operate, the drive “remembers” the step
position even when the amplifier is disabled.
Factory set to operate at 110-volt input; the PDO5580
can be reset by the user to operate at 220-volt input by a
simple switch selection.
Pluggable screw terminal blocks are provided for the
motor, AC input and 8-position signal input/output. Mating
connectors are provided with the drive.
The PDO5580 is both CE and TUV compliant.
- 类型
- 型号
- 制造商
Wiha Quality Tools
- 功能描述
- 制造商
Wiha Quality Tools
- 功能描述
SoftFinish Triangle Nut Driver M6 x 125mm 9.3" OAL. Triangle Height .413"
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市一线半导体有限公司 |
3448 |
24+ |
TO923 |
95 |
深圳市博浩通科技有限公司 |
3448 |
23+ |
TO923 |
8890 |
价格优势、原装现货、客户至上。欢迎广大客户来电查询 |
上海鑫科润电子科技有限公司 |
3448 |
97/98+ |
TO92/3 |
95 |
原装现货海量库存欢迎咨询 |
深圳市宏世佳电子科技有限公司 |
3448 |
2023+ |
TO923 |
3550 |
全新原厂原装产品、公司现货销售 |
深圳市豪迈兴电子有限公司 |
3448-001 |
2339+ |
SOP14 |
8985 |
公司原厂原装现货假一罚十!特价出售!强势库存! |
深圳市正迈科技有限公司 |
3448-001 |
23+ |
NA |
8021 |
专业电子元器件供应链正迈科技特价代理QQ1304306553 |
深圳市纳艾斯科技有限公司 |
3448-001 |
2018+ |
SOP14 |
6000 |
全新原装正品现货,假一赔佰 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
3448-001 |
2021+ |
SOP14 |
100500 |
一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长期排单到货 |
深圳市永贝尔科技有限公司 |
344801 |
23+ |
NA |
25060 |
只做进口原装,终端工厂免费送样 |
上海金庆电子技术有限公司 |
344805 |
新 |
6 |
全新原装 货期两周 |
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AMP Incorporated
AMP Incorporated是一家曾经存在的美国公司,成立于1941年,总部位于宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡。该公司主要从事电气连接器和相关产品的设计、制造和销售。AMP在业界享有很高的声誉,被广泛认为是连接器行业的领先者和创新者。 AMP Incorporated提供各种连接器和电缆组件,广泛应用于电子、通信、汽车、航空航天等领域。公司还提供与连接器相关的服务,包括工程设计支持、定制解决方案等。 在1999年,AMP Incorporated被泰科集团(Tyco International)收购,并随后与Tyco Electronics合并,成为Tyco Electronics业务部门,而后Ty