位置:AS4C1259 > AS4C1259详情
? Industry standard pinout and timing ? All inputs, outputs and clocks are fully TTL compatible Single +5V±10 power supply Low power, 15mW standby: 150mW active, typical . Common I/O capability using EARLY-WRITE ? Optional PAGE MODE access cycle ? Refresh modes: RAS-ONLY CAS-BEFORE-RAS, and HIDDEN 256-cycle refresh distributed across 4ms Specifications guaranteed over full military DRAM temperature range (-55°C to +125°C) .
The AS4C1259 883C is a randomly accessed solid-state memory containing 262,144 bits organized in a xl configu- ration. The 18 address bits are entered 9 bits at a time using RAS to latch the first 9 bits and CAS the latter 9 bits. If the WE pin goes LOW prior to CAS going LOW, the output pin remains open until the next CAS cycle. If WE goes LOW after data reaches the output pin, the output pin is activated and retains the selected cell data as long as CAS remains LOW (regardless of WE or RAS). This late WE pulse results in a READ-MODIFY-WRITEcycle. Data in is latched when WE strobes LOW. By holding RAS LOW, CAS may be toggled to execute several faster READ, WRITE, READ-WRITE or READ. MODIFY-WRITE cycles within the RAS address defined page boundary. Returning RAS HIGH terminates the mem- ory cycle and decreases chip current to a reduced standby level. Also, the chip is preconditioned for the next cycle during the RAS HIGH time. Memory cell data is retained in its correct state by maintaining power and executing a RA S (READ, WRITE, RAS-ONLY or HIDDEN REFRESH) cycle so that all 256 combinations of RAS addresses are executed at least every 4ms (regardless of sequence).
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Austin Semiconductor
- 功能描述
256K x 1 DRAM
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D225BCN |
Alliance Memory Inc. |
22+ |
84FBGA (10.5x13.5) |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
深圳市芯福林电子科技有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D225BCN |
Alliance Memory Inc. |
21+ |
84FBGA (10.5x13.5) |
13880 |
公司只售原装,支持实单 |
千层芯半导体(深圳)有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
AllianceMemory |
24+ |
768 |
动态随机存取存储器2G1.8V400Mhz128Mx16DDR2 |
深圳市斌腾达科技有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance Memory, Inc. |
21+ |
5280 |
进口原装!长期供应!绝对优势价格(诚信经营 |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance Memory, Inc. |
24+ |
84-FBGA(10.5x13.5) |
56200 |
一级代理/放心采购 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance Memory |
2447 |
FBGA-84(10.5x13.5) |
315000 |
162个/托盘一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
20+ |
BGA-84 |
932 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
深圳市冠亿通科技有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance |
21+ |
25000 |
原厂原包 深圳现货 主打品牌 假一赔百 可开票! |
深圳市力拓辉电子有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance |
21+ |
- |
12 |
全新原装鄙视假货15118075546 |
深圳市创新迹电子有限公司 |
AS4C128M16D2-25BCN |
Alliance Memory, Inc. |
23+ |
84-FBGA10.5x13.5 |
7300 |
专注配单,只做原装进口现货 |
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AS4C1259 产品相关型号
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