λÖãºICY7C1357C-100BGI > ICY7C1357C-100BGIÏêÇé

³§¼ÒÐͺŠ| ICY7C1357C-100BGI |
Îļþ´óС | 497.29Kbytes |
Ò³ÃæÊýÁ¿ | 32Ò³ |
¹¦ÄÜÃèÊö | 9-Mbit (256K x 36/512K x 18) Flow-Through SRAM with NoBL Architecture 9-Mbit(256K x 36/512K x 18) Flow-Through SRAM with NoBL Architecture |
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Éú²ú³§ÉÌ | CypressSemiconductor |
¼ò³Æ | Cypress¡¾ÈüÆÕÀ˹¡¿ |
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Functional Description[1]
The CY7C1355C/CY7C1357C is a 3.3V, 256K x 36/512K x 18 Synchronous Flow-through Burst SRAM designed specifically to support unlimited true back-to-back Read/Write operations without the insertion of wait states. The CY7C1355C/CY7C1357C is equipped with the advanced No Bus Latency (NoBL) logic required to enable consecutive Read/Write operations with data being transferred on every clock cycle. This feature dramatically improves the throughput of data through the SRAM, especially in systems that require frequent Write-Read transitions.
? No Bus Latency? (NoBL?) architecture eliminates dead cycles between write and read cycles
? Can support up to 133-MHz bus operations with zero wait states
¡ª Data is transferred on every clock
? Pin compatible and functionally equivalent to ZBT? devices
? Internally self-timed output buffer control to eliminate the need to use OE
? Registered inputs for flow-through operation
? Byte Write capability
? 3.3V/2.5V I/O power supply (VDDQ)
? Fast clock-to-output times
¡ª 6.5 ns (for 133-MHz device)
? Clock Enable (CEN) pin to enable clock and suspend operation
? Synchronous self-timed writes
? Asynchronous Output Enable
? Available in JEDEC-standard and lead-free 100-Pin TQFP, lead-free and non lead-free 119-Ball BGA package and 165-Ball FBGA package
? Three chip enables for simple depth expansion.
? Automatic Power-down feature available using ZZ mode or CE deselect
? IEEE 1149.1 JTAG-Compatible Boundary Scan
? Burst Capability¡ªlinear or interleaved burst order
? Low standby power
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Cypress Semiconductor
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9-Mbit(256K x 36/512K x 18) Flow-Through SRAM with NoBL Architecture
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ÉîÛÚÊÐÈü¶ûͨ¿Æ¼¼ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾ |
ICZ030AL |
23+ |
65480 |
ICZ0912D05 |
XP |
20+ |
µçÔ´Ä£¿é |
335 |
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ICZ0912S05 |
XP Power |
24+ |
N/A |
12000 |
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ICZ0912S05 |
XP |
24+ |
12-SIP |
3801 |
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ICZ0912S12 |
24+ |
N/A |
53000 |
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ICY7C1357C-100BGI ×ÊÁÏÏÂÔظü¶à...
ICY7C1357C-100BGI ²úÆ·Ïà¹ØÐͺÅ
- 1507535W3
- 1507535W3D
- 1507545G3
- 1507565B3
- 15080352
- 1508625UG3
- 1508625UR3
- 1508635UG3
- 1508645B3
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- 1508725B3
- 1508735W3
- 1508745W3D
- 74F646BFMQB
- 74F646BSMX
- 74F646FCQB
- 74F646SMX
- 74F648FMQB
- 74F648LCX
- CY7C1355C-100BGI
- CY7C1355C-117BGI
- CY7C1357C-117AI
- TMCMA1D335
- TMCMB1D685
- TMCMB1E475
- TMCMC1C336
- TMCME1E226
- TMCME1E336
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CypressSemiconductor ÈüÆÕÀ˹°ëµ¼Ì幫˾
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