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The C167CS-xC derivatives are high performance derivatives of the Infineon C166 Family of full featured single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. They combine high CPU performance (up to 16.5 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality and enhanced IO-capabilities. They also provide clock generation via PLL and various on-chip memory modules such as program ROM, internal RAM, and extension RAM.
? High Performance 16-bit CPU with 4-Stage Pipeline
– 80/60 ns Instruction Cycle Time at 25/33 MHz CPU Clock
– 400/303 ns Multiplication (16 × 16 bit), 800/606 ns Division (32/16 bit)
– Enhanced Boolean Bit Manipulation Facilities
– Additional Instructions to Support HLL and Operating Systems
– Register-Based Design with Multiple Variable Register Banks
– Single-Cycle Context Switching Support
– 16 MBytes Total Linear Address Space for Code and Data
– 1024 Bytes On-Chip Special Function Register Area
? 16-Priority-Level Interrupt System with 56 Sources, Sample-Rate down to 40/30 ns
? 8-Channel Interrupt-Driven Single-Cycle Data Transfer Facilities via Peripheral Event Controller (PEC)
? Clock Generation via on-chip PLL (factors 1:1.5/2/2.5/3/4/5), via prescaler or via direct clock input
? On-Chip Memory Modules
– 3 KBytes On-Chip Internal RAM (IRAM)
– 8 KBytes On-Chip Extension RAM (XRAM)
– 32 KBytes On-Chip Program Mask ROM
? On-Chip Peripheral Modules
– 24-Channel 10-bit A/D Converter with Programmable Conversion Time down to 7.8 ?s
– Two 16-Channel Capture/Compare Units
– 4-Channel PWM Unit
– Two Multi-Functional General Purpose Timer Units with 5 Timers
– Two Serial Channels (Synchronous/Asynchronous and High-Speed-Synchronous)
– Two On-Chip CAN Interfaces (Rev. 2.0B active) with 2 × 15 Message Objects (Full CAN/Basic CAN), can work on one bus with 30 objects
– On-Chip Real Time Clock
? Up to 16 MBytes External Address Space for Code and Data
– Programmable External Bus Characteristics for Different Address Ranges
– Multiplexed or Demultiplexed External Address/Data Buses with 8-Bit or 16-Bit Data Bus Width
– Five Programmable Chip-Select Signals
– Hold- and Hold-Acknowledge Bus Arbitration Support
? Idle, Sleep, and Power Down Modes with Flexible Power Management
? Programmable Watchdog Timer and Oscillator Watchdog
? Up to 111 General Purpose I/O Lines, partly with Selectable Input Thresholds and Hysteresis
? Supported by a Large Range of Development Tools like C-Compilers, Macro-Assembler Packages, Emulators, Evaluation Boards, HLL-Debuggers, Simulators, Logic Analyzer Disassemblers, Programming Boards
? On-Chip Bootstrap Loader
- 类型
- 型号
- 制造商
- 制造商全称
Infineon Technologies AG
- 功能描述
16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Bare Die Delivery
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市永贝尔科技有限公司 |
Q67120-C2274 |
23+ |
NA |
19960 |
只做进口原装,终端工厂免费送样 |
深圳市安富世纪电子有限公司 |
Q67120-C2274 |
23+ |
8000 |
只做原装现货 |
深圳市纳艾斯科技有限公司 |
Q67120-C452 |
2020+ |
NA |
80000 |
只做自己库存,全新原装进口正品假一赔百,可开13%增 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
Q67120-C452 |
2447 |
NA |
100500 |
一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长期排单到货 |
深圳市一线半导体有限公司 |
Q67126C2001A502 |
24+ |
5000 |
公司存货 |
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Q67120-C2274 产品相关型号
- AD4016M181RQA-5
- AD401M186VQA-5
- AD401M98VQA-5
- AD402M328VQA-5
- AD404M326VQA-5
- AD408M41RQA-5
- AD408M88VQA-5
- BTS5240G
- BXY42-T
- C164CI
- C164SL
- C505-L
- CGY41
- CLX27
- CLY29
- CLY29-00
- CLY29-05
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- Q67120-D968
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- SAB-C161S-LM3V
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- SAF-C164SL-6RM
- SAF-C164SL-8RM
- SAF-C515-1R24M
- SAK-C164CI-8R25M
- SAK-C164CL-8R25M
- SAK-C164SI-8R25M
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Infineon Technologies AG 英飞凌科技股份公司
英飞凌科技股份公司(Infineon Technologies AG)是一家全球领先的半导体制造商,成立于1999年,总部位于德国。英飞凌专注于提供高效能和高可靠性的半导体解决方案,广泛应用于汽车、工业、通信以及消费电子等多个领域。公司的产品涵盖了功率半导体、微控制器、安全产品和传感器等多种类型,致力于满足客户在能效、节能和安全方面的需求。 在汽车电子领域,英飞凌是重要的市场参与者,提供各种关键的解决方案,例如用于电动汽车和混合动力汽车的功率管理系统。此外,英飞凌还专注于提高工业自动化和智能家居系统的性能,通过其先进的传感器和控制技术促进智能制造和数字化转型。 公司在全球范围内拥有多个研发和制