位置:MX29LV800CTXBC-55R > MX29LV800CTXBC-55R详情
The MX29LV160C T/B product family has been discontinued. The MX29LV160C T/B product family is not recommended for new designs. The MX29LV160D T/B family is the recommended replacement. Please refer to MX29LV160D T/B datasheet for full specifications and ordering information, or contact your local sales representative for additional support
? Byte/Word mode switchable:
- 524,288 x8 / 262,144 x16 (MX29LV400C)
- 1,048,576 x8 / 524,288 x16 (MX29LV800C)
- 2,097,152 x8 / 1,048,576 x16 (MX29LV160C)
? Sector Structure
- 16K-Byte x 1, 8K-Byte x 2, 32K-Byte x 1 64K-Byte x 7 (MX29LV400C), 64K-Byte x 15 (MX29LV800C), 64K-Byte x 31 (MX29LV160C)
- Provides sector protect function to prevent program or erase operation in the protected sector
- Provides chip unprotect function to allow code changing
- Provides temporary sector unprotect function for code changing in previously protected sector
? Single Power Supply Operation
- 2.7 to 3.6 volt for read, erase, and program operations
? Latch-up protected to 250mA from -1V to Vcc + 1V
? Low Vcc write inhibit : Vcc ≤ 1.4V
? Compatible with JEDEC standard
- Pinout and software compatible to single power supply Flash
? Functional compatible with MX29LV400B/MX29LV800B/MX29LV160B device
? High Performance
- Fast access time: 45R (MX29LV400C and MX29LV800C only), 55R/70/90ns
- Fast program time: 7us/word typical utilizing accelerate function
- Fast erase time: 0.7s/sector, 15s/chip (typical, MX29LV160C)
? Low Power Consumption
- Low active read current: 10mA (typical) at 5MHz
- Low standby current: 200nA (typical)
? Minimum 100,000 erase/program cycle
? 20 years data retention
? Erase Suspend/ Erase Resume
- Suspends sector erase operation to read data from or program data to another sector which is not being erased
? Status Reply
- Data# Polling & Toggle bits provide detection of program and erase operation completion
? Support Common Flash Interface (CFI)
? Ready/Busy# (RY/BY#) Output
- Provides a hardware method of detecting program and erase operation completion
? Hardware Reset (RESET#) Input
- Provides a hardware method to reset the internal state machine to read mode
? 44-Pin SOP
? 48-Pin TSOP
? 48-Ball TFBGA
? 48-Ball LFBGA
? 48-Ball WFBGA
? 48-Ball XFLGA
? All devices are RoHS Compliant
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市柯尔基电子有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXBI-55G |
Lyontek |
23+24 |
27960 |
原装现货.优势热卖.终端BOM表可配单 |
深圳市粤骏腾电子科技有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-55Q |
MXIC/旺宏 |
24+ |
LFBGA-48 |
80000 |
原装现货 |
深圳廊盛科技有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-55Q |
MXIC/旺宏 |
22+ |
LFBGA-48 |
50000 |
只做正品原装,假一罚十,欢迎咨询 |
深圳市维基鸿电子有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-55Q |
MXIC/旺宏 |
24+ |
LFBGA-48 |
80000 |
全新原装现货库存 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
Macronix |
22+ |
48LFBGA CSP (6x8) |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
深圳市斌腾达科技有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-70G |
Macronix |
21+ |
165-LBGA |
5280 |
进口原装!长期供应!绝对优势价格(诚信经营 |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-70G |
Macronix |
24+ |
48-LFBGA,CSP(6x8) |
56200 |
一级代理/放心采购 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-70G |
20+ |
BGA-48 |
1440 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
深圳市冠亿通科技有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-70G |
Macronix |
21+ |
25000 |
原厂原包 深圳现货 主打品牌 假一赔百 可开票! |
深圳市诺美思科技有限公司 |
MX29LV800CTXEC-70G |
Macronix |
23+/24+ |
48-LFBGA |
8600 |
只供原装进口公司现货+可订货 |
MX29LV800CTXBC-55R 资料下载更多...
MX29LV800CTXBC-55R 产品相关型号
- FLM7179-12F
- FLM7185-6F
- IDT70P34L25BFI
- JAN1N5535-1
- LP3999ITL-3.0NOPB
- MB88101BBN
- MX29LV400CBXEC-70G
- MX29LV400CTXEC-55Q
- MX29LV800BBTI-90
- MX29LV800CTXBC-70
- MX29SL800CBXEI-90
- MX29SL800CBXHI-90
- MX29SL800CTXHI-90
- MX69F164C3BTXBI-90
- PRHMB50B12
- RH4580UR-2
- RH4581UR-2
- RH4584A-2
- TSC87C52-12CKB
- TSC87C52-16CKB
- TSC87C52-25CKB
- TSM-136-03-T-DV-XX
- V48B24E300BL2
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