位置:MCP23018T > MCP23018T详情
The MCP23X18 device provides 16-bit, general purpose parallel I/O expansion for I2C bus or SPI applications. The two devices differ only in the serial interface.
? MCP23018 - I2C interface
? MCP23S18 - SPI interface
The MCP23X18 consists of multiple 8-bit configuration registers for input, output and polarity selection. The system master can enable the I/Os as either inputs or outputs by writing the I/O configuration bits. The data for each input or output is kept in the corresponding input or output register. The polarity of the input port register can be inverted with the polarity inversion register. All registers can be read by the system master.
? 16-bit remote bidirectional I/O port:
- I/O pins default to input
? Open-drain outputs:
- 5.5V tolerant
- 25 mA sink capable (per pin)
- 400 mA total
? High-speed I2C? interface: (MCP23018)
- 100 kHz
- 400 kHz
- 3.4 MHz
? High-speed SPI interface: (MCP23S18)
- 10 MHz: 2.7V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V
? Single hardware address pin: (MCP23018)
- Voltage input to allow up to eight devices on the bus
? Configurable interrupt output pins:
- Configurable as active-high, active-low or open-drain
? Configurable interrupt source:
- Interrupt-on-change from configured defaults or pin change
? Polarity inversion register to configure the polarity
of the input port data
? External reset input
? Low standby current:
- 1 ?A (-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C)
- 6 ?A (+85°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C)
? Operating voltage:
- 1.8V to 5.5V
- 类型
- 型号
- 制造商
- 制造商全称
Microchip Technology
- 功能描述
16-Bit I/O Expander with Open-Drain Outputs
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/SS |
Microchip(微芯) |
23+ |
标准封装 |
11048 |
原厂渠道供应,大量现货,原型号开票。 |
中天科工半导体(深圳)有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/SS |
Microchip Technology |
24+ |
24-SSOP(0.209,5.30mm 宽) |
25000 |
in stock接口IC-原装正品 |
深圳市毅创辉电子科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/MJ |
Microchip |
23+ |
24-VFQFN |
30000 |
全新原装正品 |
柒号芯城电子商务(深圳)有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/SO |
2024+ |
N/A |
70000 |
柒号只做原装 现货价秒杀全网 |
贸泽芯城(深圳)电子科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/SO |
Microchip(微芯) |
23+ |
N/A |
12000 |
一级代理,专注军工、汽车、医疗、工业、新能源、电力 |
深圳市正纳电子有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/MJ |
Microchip(微芯) |
21+ |
原厂原封 |
9000 |
保证原装正品 深圳现货 |
深圳市科恒伟业电子有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/MJ |
22+ |
9850 |
只做原装正品假一赔十!正规渠道订货! |
深圳市英特法电子科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/MJ |
23+ |
QFN4x4 |
28106 |
原装正品现货、支持第三方检验、终端BOM表可配单提供 |
深圳市得捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/MJ |
Microchip(微芯) |
23+ |
QFN-24 |
12316 |
正规渠道,免费送样。支持账期,BOM一站式配齐 |
深圳市华睿芯科技有限公司 |
MCP23018T-E/SS |
Microchip |
24+ |
24SSOP |
10000 |
全新原厂原装,进口正品现货,正规渠道可含税!! |
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MCP23018T 产品相关型号
- 11LC160-E/TT
- 11LC160T-E/MNY
- 11LC160T-E/TT
- 11LC160T-I/TT
- 23A256-I/P
- 23A256-I/ST
- 23K256T-E/P
- 24AA02H-I/MS
- 24AA02H-I/OT
- 24VL024H/P
- JXWBVCO-TE-750-850
- LA2018N1809
- LA2018N2409
- LA2018N3209
- LA8012N2120
- LA8012N2820
- MCP1416RT-E/OT
- MCP23S18-E/SS
- MCP4132T-104I/ML
- MCP4132T-104I/SN
- MCP4132T-503E/P
- MCP4142T-103I/SL
- MCP4142T-502E/P
- MCP4562T
- MCP6V08-E/SN
- MCP73871-4CCI/ML
- MCP73871T-2CCI/ML
- XF0063-AD3
- XF0073-AD3S
- XF0086-02SM
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Microchip Technology 微芯科技股份有限公司