λÖãºPIC16CE625T-20E/JW > PIC16CE625T-20E/JWÏêÇé

³§¼ÒÐͺŠ| PIC16CE625T-20E/JW |
Îļþ´óС | 2355.34Kbytes |
Ò³ÃæÊýÁ¿ | 108Ò³ |
¹¦ÄÜÃèÊö | OTP 8-Bit CMOS MCU with EEPROM Data Memory |
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Éú²ú³§ÉÌ | Microchip Technology |
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The PIC16CE62X are 18 and 20 Pin EPROM-based members of the versatile PICmicro? family of low-cost, high-performance, CMOS, fully-static, 8-bit microcontrollers with EEPROM data memory.
High Performance RISC CPU:
? Only 35 instructions to learn
? All single-cycle instructions (200 ns), except for program branches which are two-cycle
? Operating speed:
- DC - 20 MHz clock input
- DC - 200 ns instruction cycle
? Interrupt capability
? 16 special function hardware registers
? 8-level deep hardware stack
? Direct, Indirect and Relative addressing modes
Peripheral Features:
? 13 I/O pins with individual direction control
? High current sink/source for direct LED drive
? Analog comparator module with:
- Two analog comparators
- Programmable on-chip voltage reference (VREF) module
- Programmable input multiplexing from device inputs and internal voltage reference
- Comparator outputs can be output signals
? Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler
Special Microcontroller Features:
? In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP?) (via two pins)
? Power-on Reset (POR)
? Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
? Brown-out Reset
? Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
Special Microcontroller Features (cont¡¯d)
? 1,000,000 erase/write cycle EEPROM data memory
? EEPROM data retention > 40 years
? Programmable code protection
? Power saving SLEEP mode
? Selectable oscillator options
? Four user programmable ID locations
CMOS Technology:
? Low-power, high-speed CMOS EPROM/EEPROM technology
? Fully static design
? Wide operating voltage range
- 3.0V to 5.5V
? Commercial, industrial and extended temperature range
? Low power consumption
- < 2.0 mA @ 5.0V, 4.0 MHz
- 15 ?A typical @ 3.0V, 32 kHz
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PIC16CE625T20E/SO |
Microchip |
22+ |
18SOIC |
9000 |
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PIC16CE625T-20E/SO |
20+ |
SOP-18 |
1001 |
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PIC16CE625T-20E/SO |
Microchip |
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18-SOIC |
8000 |
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Microchip |
21+ |
15000 |
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PIC16CE625T-20E-SO |
Microchip |
24+ |
΢¿ØÖÆÆ÷ |
6687 |
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PIC16CE625T-20I/SO |
24+ |
sopdip |
10800 |
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PIC16CE625T-20I/SO |
17+ |
6200 |
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PIC16CE625T-20I/SO |
24+ |
5989 |
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PIC16CE625T-20I/SO |
Microchip |
24+ |
18SOIC |
10000 |
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PIC16CE625T-20I/SO |
24+ |
16800 |
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PIC16CE625T-20E/JW ×ÊÁÏÏÂÔظü¶à...
PIC16CE625T-20E/JW ²úÆ·Ïà¹ØÐͺÅ
- 2N2222
- AG2612G
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Microchip Technology ΢о¿Æ¼¼¹É·ÝÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾