位置:PIC16LF1459-IPSQTP > PIC16LF1459-IPSQTP详情
The PIC16(L)F1454/5/9 are described within this data sheet. They are available in 14/20-pin packages.
Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of the PIC16(L)F1454/5/9 devices. Tables 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 show the pinout descriptions.
Reference Table 1-1 for peripherals available per device.
High-Performance RISC CPU:
? C Compiler Optimized Architecture
? Only 49 Instructions
? 14 Kbytes Linear Program Memory Addressing
? 1024 Bytes Linear Data Memory Addressing
? Operating Speed:
- DC – 48 MHz clock input
- DC – 83 ns instruction cycle
- Selectable 3x or 4x PLL for specific frequencies
? Interrupt Capability with Automatic Context Saving
? 16-Level Deep Hardware Stack with Optional Overflow/Underflow Reset
? Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes:
- Two full 16-bit File Select Registers (FSRs) capable of accessing both data or program memory
- FSRs can read program and data memory
Special Microcontroller Features:
? Operating Voltage Range:
- 1.8V to 3.6V (PIC16LF145X)
- 2.3V to 5.5V (PIC16F145X)
? Self-Programmable under Software Control
? Power-on Reset (POR)
? Power-up Timer (PWRT)
? Programmable Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
? Low-Power BOR (LPBOR)
? Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 1 ms to 256s
? Programmable Code Protection
? In-Circuit Serial Programming? (ICSP?) via Two Pins
? Enhanced Low-Voltage Programming (LVP)
? Power-Saving Sleep mode:
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Features:
? Self-Tuning from USB Host (eliminates need for external crystal)
? USB V2.0 Compliant SIE
? Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s)
? Supports Control, Interrupt, Isochronous and Bulk Transfers
? Supports up to Eight Bidirectional Endpoints
? 512-Byte Dual Access RAM for USB
? Interrupt-on-Change (IOC) on D+/D- for USB Host Detection
? Configurable Internal Pull-up Resistors for use with USB
Extreme Low-Power Management PIC16LF145X with XLP:
? Sleep mode: 25 nA @ 1.8V, typical
? Watchdog Timer Current: 290 nA @ 1.8V, typical
? Timer1 Oscillator: 600 nA @ 32 kHz, typical
? Operating Current: 25 ?A/MHz @ 1.8V, typical
Flexible Oscillator Structure:
? 16 MHz Internal Oscillator Block:
- Factory calibrated to ±0.25, typical
- Software selectable frequency range from 16 MHz to 31 kHz
- Tunable to 0.25 across temperature range
- 48 MHz with 3x PLL
? 31 kHz Low-Power Internal Oscillator
? Clock Switching with run from:
- Primary Oscillator
- Secondary Oscillator (SOSC)
- Internal Oscillator
? Clock Reference Output:
- Clock Prescaler
- CLKOUT (Continue....)
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459TI/GZ |
Microchip |
22+ |
20UQFN |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
深圳市华睿芯科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip |
24+ |
20QFN |
10000 |
全新原厂原装,进口正品现货,正规渠道可含税!! |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
20+ |
QFN-20 |
3300 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
深圳市冠亿通科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip |
21+ |
25000 |
原厂原包 深圳现货 主打品牌 假一赔百 可开票! |
深圳市微纳尔电子实业有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip |
21+ |
15000 |
只做原装 |
深圳市纳睿斯电子科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
20000 |
原装现货,可追溯原厂渠道 |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
22+ |
NA |
2031 |
原装正品支持实单 |
深圳市赛特兴科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip |
QQ咨询 |
20-UFQFN |
5000 |
原装正品/微控制器元件授权代理直销! |
深圳市芯球通科技有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip(微芯) |
23+ |
23520 |
公司只做原装正品,假一赔十 |
深圳市安富世纪电子有限公司 |
PIC16LF1459T-I/GZ |
Microchip Technology |
23+ |
86088 |
全新原装,现货供应,欢迎来电恰谈 |
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PIC16LF1459-IPSQTP 产品相关型号
- 04021U100DAT2A
- 06031U100CAT2A
- 08054A101BAT2A
- 0805ZC103JA72A
- CWR06FK155MR
- CWR06JC155JS
- CWR06JH155JS
- CWR06JK155JS
- CWR06KB155KS
- DE11XE2102MB2A
- DE2B3E2102MB2A
- DSPIC30F6020BT-30ISO
- DSPIC30F9020T-30ESP
- FX18-40S-0.8SV20
- GC3215C75C1AR50D
- GCJ435C75C1AR50D
- GCM158C75C1AR50D
- HIF3BA-60D-2.54R
- JU1215-KT657K6-09804-450T
- MTE2081-OH5
- TMM103-02-T-D
- TSM-108-01-L-SH-A-M-TR
- TSM-108-04-F-SH-A-M-TR
- TSM-125-04-SS-SV-A-M-TR
- TSM-136-02-S-SV-A-M-TR
- TSM-136-04-T-SV-A-M-TR
- TSW-12-07-T-D
- VC040205X150
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Microchip Technology 微芯科技股份有限公司