位置:MC68HC705JP7CP > MC68HC705JP7CP详情
? Low-Cost, HC05 Core MCU in 20-Pin Package (MC68HC705JJ7)
or 28-Pin Package (MC68HC705JP7)
? 6160 Bytes of User EPROM (Including 16 Bytes of User Vectors)
? 224 Bytes of Low-Power User RAM (4 Transistors)
? 64 Bits of Personality EPROM (Serial Access)
? 16-Bit Programmable Timer with Input Capture and Output
? 15-Stage Core Timer Including 8-Bit Free-Running Counter
and 4-Stage Selectable Real-Time Interrupt Generator
? Simple Serial Input/Output Port (SIOP) with Interrupt Capability
? Two Voltage Comparators, One of Which Can be Combined with
the 16-Bit Programmable Timer to Create a 4-Channel, Single-
Slope A/D Converter
? Output of Voltage Comparator Can Drive Port Pin PB4 Directly
Under Software Control
? 14 I/O Lines (MC68HC705JJ7) or 22 I/O Lines (MC68HC705JP7)
Including High-Source/Sink Current Capability on 6 I/O Pins
(MC68HC705JJ7) or 14 I/O Pins (MC68HC705JP7)
? Programmable 8-Bit Mask Option Register (MOR) to Select Mask
Options Found in ROM-Based Versions
? MOR Selectable Software Programmable Pulldowns on All I/O
Pins and Keyboard Scan Interrupt on Four I/O Pins
? Software Mask and Request Bit for IRQ Interrupt with MOR
Selectable Sensitivity on IRQ Interrupt (Edge- and Level-Sensitive
or Edge-Only)
? On-Chip Oscillator with Device Option of Crystal/Ceramic
Resonator or RC Operation and MOR Selectable Shunt Resistor,
Approximately 2 MW
? Internal Oscillator for Lower-Power Operation, Approximately
100 kHz (500 kHz Selected as Device Option)
? EPROM Security Bit1 to Aid in Locking Out Access to
Programmable EPROM array
? MOR Selectable (COP) Watchdog System
? Power-Saving Stop and Wait Mode Instructions (MOR Selectable
STOP Conversion to Halt and Option for Fast 16-Cycle Restart,
and Power-On Reset)
? On-Chip Temperature Measurement Diode
? MOR Selectable Low-Voltage Inhibit to Reset CPU in Low-Voltage
? Illegal Address Reset
? Internal Steering Diode and Pullup Device on RESET Pin to VDD
- 类型
- 型号
- 制造商
Rochester Electronics LLC
- 制造商
Freescale Semiconductor
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市硅宇电子有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1AD |
NXP/恩智浦 |
2324+ |
NA |
78920 |
二十余载金牌老企,研究所优秀合供单位,您的原厂窗口 |
深圳市壹芯创科技有限公司 |
MC68HC705JP7CP |
22+ |
PDIP28 |
2000 |
原装现货库存.价格优势 |
深圳市一线半导体有限公司 |
MC68HC705JZ |
24+ |
3000 |
公司现货 |
深圳市富诚威科技有限公司 |
MC68HC705JZ |
24+ |
2250 |
100%全新原装公司现货供应!随时可发货 |
深圳市永贝尔科技有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1 |
23+ |
NA |
19960 |
只做进口原装,终端工厂免费送样 |
深圳市凌旭科技有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1CDW |
2016+ |
SOP16 |
2500 |
只做原装,假一罚十,公司可开17%增值税发票! |
深圳市科恒伟业电子有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1CDW |
2016+ |
SOP16 |
6528 |
只做进口原装现货!假一赔十! |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1CDW |
ON |
24+ |
SOP16 |
35400 |
全新原装现货/假一罚百! |
深圳市威尔健半导体有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1CDW |
23+ |
SOP16 |
50000 |
全新原装正品现货,支持订货 |
飞利飞科技有限公司 |
MC68HC705K1CDW |
ON |
2019+/2020+ |
SOP16 |
3000 |
原装正品现货库存 |
MC68HC705JP7CP 资料下载更多...
MC68HC705JP7CP 产品相关型号
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- BYC3/49PX-600
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- MC68HC705JJ7
- MC68HC705JJ7CP
- MC68HC705JJ7CS
- MC68HC705JP7
- MC68HC705JP7CS
- MC68HC705L5
- MC68HC705L5FU
- MC68HC705RC16
- MC68HC705RC16DW
- MC68HC705RC16FN
- MC68HC705RC16P
- MC68HC705RC17
- MC68HC705RC17DW
- MC68HC705RC17P
- MC68HC705SP7CP
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- MC68HC705V8
- MC68HC708KL8
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微