位置:MF2DL1001DUD/02 > MF2DL1001DUD/02详情
General description
MIFARE DESFire Light (MF2DL(H)x0) is a versatile contactless smart card platform
serving the requirements of applications managed by one single entity. Offering a
powerful mix between performance, security, privacy and flexibility. It addresses the
needs of limited use and simple extended use applications. Based on these parameters
MIFARE DESFire Light is a trusted platform targeting the secure authentication of people
with an intuitive convenient user experience.
MIFARE DESFire Light is fully compliant with the contactless proximity smart card
protocol according to ISO/IEC 14443-4 and ISO/IEC 7816-4 communication frames
making it compatible with the majority of existing contactless infrastructure devices and
with NFC devices, such as NFC enabled mobile handsets. Its contactless performance
supports superior user convenience and reading distances up to 10 cm.
MIFARE DESFire Light has a file-based memory structure compliant to ISO/IEC 7816-4
with a fixed, pre-defined configuration of six individual files (EF). The pre-defined
configuration enables various use cases and allows the management of data according
to best practice. Organized in one single directory (DF) and configurable access rights
per file it enables different use cases of one issuing instance. MIFARE DESFire Light
offers three individual standard data files with totally 544 bytes of memory for storage of
application-specific data. The value file with a stored signed integer value and an upper
and lower limit enables fast, flexible and secure implementation of monetary transactions,
e.g. for micropayment applications. The cyclic record file with 4 entries of 16 bytes each
enables an on-card logging of transactions.
As a contactless platform, MIFARE DESFire Light includes a powerful transaction
management. This transaction management ensures data and transaction consistency
supporting applications with the avoidance of disrupted or incomplete transactions. The
optional Transaction Message Authentication (TMAC) further enables operators of, e.g.,
payment applications with a cryptographic checksum over the complete transaction
enabling the verification of a transaction by a clearing entity.
MIFARE DESFire Light offers AES-based security features for authentication and data
transfer over the contactless interface. The required level of security is defined by the
needs of the application and can be done on a file basis. With 5 customer defined keys,
MIFARE DESFire Light supports a key management addressing the organizational and
security needs of the issuing entity.
Beside the standard AES implementation, MIFARE DESFire Light offers an alternative
AES-based protocol for authentication and secure messaging using a Leakage Resilient
Primitive, LRP. The LRP works as a wrapper around the AES cryptography and
enhances side-channel and fault resistance.
MIFARE DESFire Light contains features like the fully encrypted communication mode
enabling contactless applications to address privacy sensitive applications. With its
optional support of Random ID, it enables compliance with latest user data protection
Users of MIFARE DESFire Light can change the application identifier (AID) and the file
identifiers (FID) according to their needs enabling compatibility with existing data models.
This further enables users to complement their use cases with an NFC forum-compliant
Type 4 Tag in order to enable additional, end-user centric services, such as business
card sharing or pairing with a network.
MIFARE DESFire Light is compatible with MIFARE DESFire EV2, a secure multiapplication
platform. Through this compatibility single application running on
MIFARE DESFire Light can become part of a multi-application solution, combining
applications from different entities, with minimal system impact.
MIFARE DESFire Light is designed to support standards Class 1 smart cards antenna
designs with a 17 pF input capacitance as well as smaller form factors, i.e. key fobs,
wristbands, by providing 50 pF input capacitance delivery forms. This ensures high user
convenience throughout different form factors.
Features and benefits
2.1 RF Interface & Communication Protocol
? Contactless interface compliant to ISO/IEC 14443A-2/ -3/ -4, see [1] , [2], [3]
? Support of ISO/IEC 7816-4 communication frames for highest interoperability with
mobile and wearables
? Low power consumption (Hmin) enabling operating distances of up to 10 cm
? Support of fast data rates: 106 kbit/s, 212 kbit/s, 424 kbit/s, and 848 kbit/s
? Support of double size (7-byte) Unique Identifiers (UID) and optionally Random ID
(RID) according to ISO 14443-3 [2]
? Configurable communication frame size to support up to 128 bytes
? Fast start-up time for reliable and robust detection of MIFARE DESFire Light in legacy
? Support of ISO 7816-4 wrapped commands compliant to a subset of MIFARE DESFire
EV2 commands
2.2 Memory Organization
? 640 bytes user memory, equivalent to available user memory on legacy MIFARE
Classic 1 kB product
? Data retention of 10 years and write endurance of minimum 200.000 cycles
? File system compliant to ISO/IEC 7816-4 with one predefined Directory File (DF) and a
set of Elementary Files (EF)
– Three standard data files, one with 32 bytes and two with 256 bytes
– One cyclic record file of 4 records of each 16-byte record size
– One value file for value operations including upper and lower limits
– Optional Transaction Message Authentication Code (TMAC) file for transaction
? File system compliant with MIFARE DESFire EV2 file system
? User configurable file naming enabling compatibility to legacy systems and NFC Type 4
Tag compliant configurations
2.3 Security and Privacy
? Common Criteria certification: EAL4 for both Hardware and Software
? Secure messaging compliant to standard AES according to NIST Special Publication
800-38A and 800-38B [5] [6]
– Optional enhanced side channel attack protection using LRP wrapped AES operation
according to [10]
– Secure messaging compatible with a subset of MIFARE DESFire EV2 secure
? Five customer defined AES 128-bit keys including key versions
? Optional Random ID for enhanced privacy
? Individual AES 128-bit TMAC key for enhanced transaction protection
? Transaction counter limit to limit the number of transactions with the application
? 3-pass mutual authentication
? Flexible access control configurable per file (EF)
– Individual key configuration for Read (R) / Write (W) / ReadWrite (RW) / Configuration
? Configurable secure messaging communication mode
– Plain communication
– CMAC protected for message integrity protection
– Full Enciphered plus CMAC for full encryption of complete data transferred through
contactless interface
? ECC-based NXP originality signature
? AES-based originality keys leveraging the LRP wrapped AES authentication
2.4 Specific Features
? Transaction-oriented automatic anti-tearing mechanism
? Configurable ATS information for card personalization
? Functional compatibility with MIFARE DESFire EV2 for easy integration of applications
designed on MF2DL(H)x0 into flexible multi-application solutions
? High input capacitance (50 pF) for small form factor design available
MIFARE DESFire Light can be used in various contactless applications, some target
applications are mentioned below.
? Access management
? Event ticketing
? Transport ticketing
? Account based services
? Electronic voucher
? Gaming
? Loyalty cards
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MF2DL1001DUD/02V |
NXP(恩智浦) |
23+ |
907 |
只做原装,提供一站式配单服务,代工代料。BOM配单 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
MF2DL1001DUD/02V |
NXP(恩智浦) |
2447 |
- |
315000 |
nan一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长期排单 |
讯运(深圳/上海)电子有限公司 |
MF2DL1001DUD/02V |
NXP(恩智浦) |
2021+ |
- |
499 |
深圳市得捷芯城科技有限公司 |
MF2DL1001DUD/02V |
NXP(恩智浦) |
23+ |
1476 |
原装现货,免费供样,技术支持,原厂对接 |
深圳市双美芯科技有限公司 |
MF2DL1001DUD/02V |
NXP(恩智浦) |
23+ |
- |
7087 |
NXP原厂渠道,2小时快速发货,大量现货库存 |
深圳市安富世纪电子有限公司 |
MF2DLH1001DUF/02V |
23+ |
N/A |
8000 |
只做原装现货 |
天津市博通航睿技术有限公司 |
MF2DLH1001DUF/02V |
23+ |
N/A |
7000 |
深圳硅原半导体有限公司 |
MF2ICD8101W/K5D25A2 |
NXP/恩智浦 |
23+ |
28533 |
原盒原标,正品现货 诚信经营 价格美丽 假一罚十! |
贸泽芯城(深圳)电子科技有限公司 |
MF2DLH1001DUF/02V |
NXP/恩智浦 |
23+ |
13000 |
原厂授权一级代理,专业海外优势订货,价格优势、品种 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
MF2K111-299L |
20+ |
连接器 |
493 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
MF2DL1001DUD/02 资料下载更多...
MF2DL1001DUD/02 产品相关型号
- A-1313-874-A
- HPC6028NF-4R7M
- HPC6028NF-680M
- HPC6028NF-6R8M
- MF1PH4131DA4/02
- MF1PH4131DA6/02
- MF1PH4131DUD/02
- MF1PH4131DUF/02
- MF2DL1000DA4/02
- MF2DL1000DA8/02
- MF2DL1001DUF/02
- MF2DLH1000DA4/02
- MF2DLH1000DA8/02
- MF2DLH1001DUD/02
- MF2DLH1001DUF/02
- MF90A00B1-1000U-A99
- MF90A00O1-1000U-A99
- NLM0010
- NLM0011
- NTA53321G0FHK
- NTA53321G0FHKZ
- NTA53321G0FTT
- NTA53321G0FTTZ
- NTA53321G0FUAV
- SL2S6002
- SL2S6002FUD/BG
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微