位置:NTM88H145ST1 > NTM88H145ST1详情
1 General description
The NTM88 family consists of small (4 mm x 4 mm x 1.98 mm), fully integrated tire pressure monitoring sensors (TPMS). The devices described in this data sheet, NTM88Hxx5S, provide low transmitting power consumption, large customer memory size, and single- or dual-axis accelerometer architecture. The NTM88Hxx5S TPMS solution integrates an 8-bit microcontroller (MCU), pressure sensor, accelerometers in five ranges, programmable RF transmitter and flexible LF receiver. The sensor supports seven GPIOs, client SPI, and a 2-channel timer / pulse-width module.
2 Features and benefits
? Optional pressure ranges1
? Optional accelerometer ranges: See Section 3.
? Transducer measurement interfaces with low-power AFE:
– 10-bit compensated pressure sense element
– 10-bit compensated accelerometers
– 8-bit compensated internal device temperature measurement
– 8-bit compensated internal device voltage measurement
– Two I/O pins can be used for external signals
? 8-bit S08 compact instruction set controller:
– 64 bytes low-power “always on“ NVM parameter registers
– 512 bytes SRAM
– 16 kB flash memory (512 bytes reserved for NXP coefficients)
– Family of NXP firmware libraries available via royalty-free license
? Programmable RF transmitter
– Characterized for RF carrier typical of 315 MHz or 434 MHz
– Characterized for FSK in ~3 kHz increments or OOK modulation
– Characterized for baud rate examples of 9.6 kbp/s, 19.2 kbp/s, and 38.4 kbp/s
? Flexible 125 kHz LF receiver:
– Capability for ASK or OOK demodulation
– Automated Manchester decoding
? Two channel timer / pulse-width module
? Client SPI to support host access to internal peripherals, registers, and memory
? Seven GPIOs with programmable multiplexing to support software development, external analog voltage
input, timer, SPI, and wake-up
? Qualified in compliance with AEC-Q100, Rev. H
? Long battery service life
? Internal temperature sensor
? Internal voltage sensor
? Six-channel, 8-, 10-, or 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC10) with two external I/O inputs
? Internal 315-/434-M Hz RF transmitter
– External crystal oscillator
– PLL-based output with fractional-n divider
– OOK and FSK modulation capability
– Programmable data rate generator
– Manchester, Bi-Phase, or NRZ data encoding
– 256-bit RF data buffer variable length interrupt
– Direct access to RF transmitter from MCU for unique formats
– Low-power consumption
? Differential input LF detector/decoder on independent signal pins
? Real-time Interrupt driven by LFO with intervals of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 ms
? Free-running counter, low-power, wake up timer and periodic reset driven by LFO
? Watchdog timeout with selectable times and clock sources
? Two-channel general-purpose timer/PWM module (TPM1)
? Internal oscillators
– MCU bus clock of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 MHz (1, 2, 4, and 8 MHz HFO)
– Low frequency, low-power time clock (LFO) with 1 ms period
– Medium frequency, controller clock (MFO) of 8 μs period
? Low-voltage detection
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市水星电子有限公司 |
NTM88K135ST1 |
24+ |
24-FQFN |
7113 |
专注NXP品牌原装正品代理分销,认准水星电子 |
深圳良洲科技有限公司 |
NTM88J135T1 |
24+ |
N/A |
5000 |
原装现货,实单价格可谈 |
万三科技(深圳)有限公司 |
NTM88J155T1 |
NXP Semiconductors |
22+ |
NA |
500000 |
万三科技,秉承原装,购芯无忧 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
NTM88H145T1 |
NXP(恩智浦) |
23+ |
7350 |
现货供应,当天可交货!免费送样,原厂技术支持!!! |
深圳市慧拓科技有限公司 |
NTM88H155T1 |
NXP Semiconductors |
23+/22+ |
2000 |
原装进口订货7-10个工作日 |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
NTMC083NP10M5L |
22 |
SOP12 |
80000 |
全新、原装 |
现代芯城(深圳)科技有限公司 |
NTMC083NP10M5L |
24+ |
N/A |
64000 |
一级代理-主营优势-实惠价格-不悔选择 |
深圳市宏捷佳电子科技有限公司 |
NTMC083NP10M5L |
onsemi |
24+ |
8-SOIC(0.154 3.90mm 宽) |
9350 |
独立分销商 公司只做原装 诚心经营 免费试样正品保证 |
北京天阳诚业科贸有限公司 |
NTMC083NP10M5L |
24+ |
con |
35960 |
查现货到京北通宇商城 |
北京京北通宇电子元件有限公司 |
NTMC083NP10M5L |
24+ |
con |
10000 |
查现货到京北通宇商城 |
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NTM88H145ST1 产品相关型号
- 3603979
- 3603980
- B32022A3473M189
- B32022A3473M289
- B32022A3473M289Z1
- B32022A3473M3
- B32022A3473MZ1
- MAZ73000BC
- NTM88H025ST1
- NTM88H055ST1
- NTM88H065ST1
- NTM88H075ST1
- NTM88H125ST1
- NTM88H135ST1
- NTM88H155ST1
- NTM88J125ST1
- NTM88J135ST1
- NTM88J145ST1
- NTM88J155ST1
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微