The i.MX RT1180 processors are based on Arm? Cortex?-M7 Core? Platform, which has the
following features:
? The Arm Cortex-M7 Core Platform:
— 32 KB L1 Instruction Cache and 32 KB L1 Data Cache
— Floating Point Unit (FPU) with single-precision and double-precision supports of the
Armv7-M architecture FPv5
— Support the Armv7-M Thumb instruction set, defined in the Armv7-M architecture
— Integrated Memory Protection Unit (MPU), up to 16 individual protection regions
— Up to 512 KB I-TCM and D-TCM in total
— Frequency of 800 MHz at 1.1 V (over drive) with Forward Body Biasing (FBB)
— ECC support for both Cache and Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
— Frequency of the core, as per Table 11, Operating ranges, on page 26.
? The Arm Cortex-M33 Core platform:
— Micro-controller available both for boot and customer application
— 16 KB Code Cache, 16 KB System Cache, and 256 KB TCM (also accessible as SRAM by the
rest of the system)
— Frequency is 240 MHz at 1.0 V without body biasing
— ECC support for both Cache and TCM
? On-chip memory:
— Boot ROM (160 KB)
— 512 KB TCM for CM7 with ECC
— 256 KB TCM for CM33 with ECC
— Dedicated 768 KB OCRAM with ECC
? External memory interfaces:
— Smart External Memory Controller (SEMC)
– 8/16/32-bit SDRAM interface, 4 Chip Selects (CS) and each CS up to 1024 Mb
– 8/16-bit NAND FLASH interface with hardware ECC
– 8/16-bit NOR FLASH interface
– SRAM: supports SRAM and Pseudo SRAM, 8-bit and 16-bit modes, ADMUX, AADM,
and Non-ADMUX modes, up to 4 CS, up to 4096 Mb memory size
— 2x FlexSPI
– Single/Dual channel Quad SPI FLASH with XIP support
– OTFAD is supported for decryption with 0 cycle delay
Each i.MX RT1180 processor enables the following interfaces to external devices (some of them are
muxed and not available simultaneously):
? Audio:
— 1x SPDIF input and output
— 4x Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) modules supporting I2S, AC97, TDM, and codec/DSP
— Digital microphone input, 8-channel PDM
— Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC)
? Connectivity:
— 2x USB 2.0 OTG controllers with integrated PHY interfaces
— 2x Ultra Secure Digital Host Controller (uSDHC) interfaces
– uSDHC2 with boot support for eMMC 5.1 compliance with HS400 DDR signaling to
support up to 400 MB/sec
– uSDHC1 with boot support for SD/SDIO 3.0 compliance with 200 MHz SDR signaling to
support up to 100 MB/sec
– Support for SDXC (extended capacity)
— 12x low power universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (LPUARTs) modules
— 6x LPI2C modules
— 2x I3C modules
— 6x LPSPI modules
— 3x Control Area Network (FlexCAN) modules, each with support in hardware to support
Flexible Datarate (FD), with enhanced RX FIFO.
— 2x FlexIO modules
— Advanced and flexible Ethernet
– Third version of NXP TSN switch IP (NETC 3.0)
– Port virtualization support on ENETC0 MAC for dual Access (CM33/CM7)
– Extended support of TSN standards over flexible architecture
– 1x independent 1 Gbps TSN MAC endpoint
– 5-port (4 external + 1 internal) TSN Switch with 1 Gbps TSN MAC
– OPC UA Frame Summation HW acceleration integrated in switch
– Up to 5 RGMII/MII/RMII external ports
— 2x 16-bit dual-channel SAR ADC (16 channels on ADC1 and 14 channels on ADC2), 3.5
Msps, each ADC can proceed 2 conversions simultaneously
— 1x 12-bit DAC
— 4x Analog Comparators (ACMP)
— 3x SINC filters (4-channel) to interface to external sigma-delta ADC
— Voltage Reference (VREF)
? GPIO and Pin Multiplexing:
— General-purpose input/output (GPIO) modules with interrupt capability
— Input/output multiplexing controller (IOMUXC) to provide centralized pad control
The i.MX RT1180 processors integrate advanced power management unit and controllers:
? Full PMIC integration, including on-chip DCDC and LDOs
? Temperature sensor with programmable trim points
? GPC Hardware power management controller
? Timers and PWMs:
— 2x General Programmable Timer (GPT) modules
– 4-channel generic 32-bit resolution timer for each
– Each supports standard capture and compare operation
— 3x Low Power Periodical Interrupt Timer (LPIT) modules
– 4-channel
– 4 external trigger sources
– Generic 32-bit resolution timer
– Periodical interrupt generation
— 6x Timer/PWM modules (TPM)
– Prescaler divide-by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128
– 16-bit counter, support free-running counter or modulo counter mode, counting up or down
– Includes 6 channels that can be configured for input capture, output compare, edge-aligned
PWM mode, or center-aligned PWM mode
— 3x Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) modules
— 8x Quad Timer (TMR) modules
– 4-channel generic 16-bit resolution timer for each
– Each supports standard capture and compare operation
– Enhanced Quadrature decoder integrated
— 4x FlexPWM modules
– Up to 8 individual PWM channels for each
– 16-bit resolution PWM suitable for Motor Control applications
— 4x Enhanced Quadrature Decoders (eQDC)
— 6x Watchdog Timer (WDOG)
– 1x for the Cortex-M33 non-secure, 1x for Cortex-M33 secure, 1x for the Cortex-M7 and 2x
additional for customer usage
– 1x External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)
The i.MX RT1180 processors support the following system debug:
? Arm Cortex-M7 CoreSight? debug and trace architecture
? CoreSight Serial Wire Output (SWO) and Embedded Trace Router (ETR) can allow routing trace
data to system memory
? Support for 5-pin (JTAG) and SWD debug interfaces
Security functions are enabled and accelerated by the following hardware:
? Trusted Resource Domain Controller (TRDC)
— Supports up to 16 resource domains
? TrustZone?-M (TZ-M) on Cortex-M33
? Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)
? EdgeLock? secure enclave
— Advanced security: AES, AES-GCM, PKA, ECDSA/ECDH, TRNG, AES-256, SHA, DES,
3DES, RSA4096, ECC1024, UniqueID, Secure Boot, Secure RTC, Tamper Monitor
— Public Key co-processor
— Symmetric Crypto Accelerators
— Random number generator
— One-Time Programmable electrical fuse used for security keys and configuration other security
related functions
— Physically Unclonable Function based master secrets as an option
? Battery Backed Security Module (BBSM)
— Monotonic counter
— Secure real-time clock (RTC)
— Zeroizable Master Key
? Inline Encryption Engine (IEE)
— External memory encryption and decryption
— I/O direct encrypted storage and retrieval (Stream Support)
? On-The-Fly AES Decryption (OTFAD)
— Support OTFAD with 4 keys
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市卓越微芯电子有限公司 |
2020+ |
SOT-163 |
12000 |
百分百原装正品 真实公司现货库存 本公司只做原装 可 |
深圳市利加科技有限公司 |
16+ |
NA |
8800 |
诚信经营 |
深圳市顺鑫晟科技有限公司 |
25+ |
SOT457 |
188600 |
全新原厂原装正品现货 欢迎咨询 |
深圳市华来深电子有限公司 |
23+ |
SOT-163 |
8560 |
受权代理!全新原装现货特价热卖! |
深圳市一线半导体有限公司 |
24+ |
SOT-163SOT-23-6 |
9149 |
新进库存/原装 |
深圳市科恒伟业电子有限公司 |
9856 |
SOT-163 |
1812 |
只做进口原装现货!假一赔十! |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
22+ |
SOT-163 |
32813 |
原装正品现货 |
深圳诚思涵科技有限公司 |
19+ |
SOT-163 |
20000 |
原装现货假一罚十 |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
24+ |
SOT-163 |
35200 |
一级代理/放心采购 |
深圳市威尔健半导体有限公司 |
23+ |
SOT23-5 |
69820 |
终端可以免费供样,支持BOM配单! |
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PIMXRT816SDVJ2A 产品相关型号
- 18-007400
- 18-007420
- 18-007480
- A10411507L5
- A10411507L6
- A10411507MP
- A10411507MT
- AMT11A2Q-1000-4760-W
- KO4884
- KO4884-HF
- L78S10CV
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微