位置:PN5190B2HN/C130K > PN5190B2HN/C130K详情
1 General description
This document describes the functionality and electrical specification of the high-power NFC-IC PN5190, silicon version B2, using firmware V3.0 or higher. There are no electrical differences between versions PN5190B1 and PN5190B2 - difference between parts is related to hardcoded firmware parts (ROM) only. Additional documents supporting a design-in of the PN5190B2 are available from NXP, this additional design-in information is not part of this document.
The PN5190B2 supports highly innovative and unique features which do not require any host controller interaction. These features include dynamic power control (DPC), adaptive waveform control (AWC), and fully automatic EMD error handling. The independence of real-time host controller interactions makes this product a good fit for systems which operate a pre-emptive multitasking OS like Linux or Android. In this document, the term ?MIFARE card“ refers to a contactless card using an IC out of the MIFARE Classic, MIFARE Plus, MIFARE Ultralight or MIFARE DESFire product family.
2 Features and benefits
2.1 RF functionality
? As a highly integrated high performance full NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC for contactless communication
at 13.56 MHz, this NFC frontend IC utilizes an outstanding modulation and demodulation concept completely
integrated for relevant 13.56 MHz based contactless communication methods and protocols.
PN5190B2 supports communication with all products of the MIFARE product-based card family including
MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Classic 1K/4K, MIFARE DESFire EV1/EV2 and MIFARE Plus cards CRYPTO
implemented in hardware for R/W of all NXP MIFARE product-based cards (includes intellectual-property
licensing rights for NXP ISO/IEC 14443-A, Innovatron ISO/IEC 14443-B, and NXP MIFARE products).
The PN5190B2 frontend IC supports the following RF operating modes:
2.1.1 ISO/IEC14443-A
? Reader/writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443-A R/W up to 848 kbit/s
2.1.2 ISO/IEC14443-B
? Reader/writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 14443-B up to 848 kBit/s
2.1.3 FeliCa
? Reader/writer mode supporting FeliCa 212 kBit/s and 424 kBit/s (without crypto)
2.1.4 Tag type reading
? Supports reading of all NFC tag types (type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4A and type 4B, type 5)
2.1.5 MIFARE card reading
? Reader/writer communication mode for the MIFARE card family including MIFARE Classic
2.1.6 ISO/IEC 15693
? Reader/writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 15693 (ICODE)
? Proprietary data rates based on ISO/IEC15693 with 106 kbit and 212 kbit/s (for NXP NTAG 5 communication)
2.1.7 ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 3
? Reader/writer mode supporting ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 3
2.1.8 ISO/IEC 18092
? ISO/IEC 18092 (NFC-IP1)
2.1.9 ISO/IEC 21481
? ISO/IEC 21481 (NFC-IP-2)
2.1.10 Peer to peer
? P2P Passive 106 kbit/s TO 424 kbit/s, Initiator and Target
? P2P Active 106 kbit/s TO 424 kbit/s, Initiator and Target
? Proprietary passive communication for type A up to 848 kbit/s
? Functionality according to ISO/IEC 21481 (NFC-IP-2)
2.1.11 Card emulation
? ISO/IEC4443-A card mode from 106 Kbit/s up to 848 Kbit/s (PICC) with active load modulation for increased
communication range.
2.2 Host interface
? One host interface based on SPI is implemented:
– SPI interface with data rates up to 15 Mbit/s with MOSI, MISO, NSS and SCK signals
– Interrupt request line to inform host controller on events
– Independent TX and RX buffer for RF data with size of 1024 bytes each
2.3 Integrated DC-DC
? The PN5190B2 implements an integrated DC-DC which can be used to supply the transmitter. Since the
supply voltage of the transmitter LDO can be up to 6.0 Volts, this simplifies the design of the power supply.
A single supply concept for the RF system, e.g. with single 3.3 V supply, is possible and allows making use of
the maximum RF output power by providing a maximum transmitter supply voltage.
The integrated DC-DC is used by the dynamic power control (DPC) to reduce the maximum power dissipation
of the chip.
The usage of the DC-DC is optional.
For applications making use of the low-power card detection, the DC-DC is available. For applications using
the ultra low-power card detection (ULPCD), the DC-DC cannot be used.
3 Applications
? Payment
? Physical access
? eGov
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市一线半导体有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI |
24+ |
TSOP28 |
557 |
深圳市博浩通科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI |
23+ |
8890 |
价格优势/原装现货/客户至上/欢迎广大客户来电查询 |
齐创科技(上海,北京,青岛)有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI |
23+ |
5000 |
原装正品,假一罚十 |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI |
23+ |
1500 |
原装环保房间现货假一赔十 |
深圳市百域芯科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI/德州仪器 |
21+ |
2000 |
百域芯优势 实单必成 可开13点增值税发票 |
深圳市威尔健半导体有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI/德州仪器 |
23+ |
TSSOP-38 |
50000 |
全新原装正品现货,支持订货 |
飞利飞科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI |
2019+/2020+ |
2000 |
原装正品现货库存 |
深圳廊盛科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI/德州仪器 |
2022 |
TSSOP-38 |
80000 |
原装现货,OEM渠道,欢迎咨询 |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI/德州仪器 |
2022+ |
2000 |
原厂代理 终端免费提供样品 |
贸泽芯城(深圳)电子科技有限公司 |
PN520 |
TI/德州仪器 |
23+ |
18896 |
一级代理原厂VIP渠道,专注军工、汽车、医疗、工业、 |
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PN5190B2HN/C130K 产品相关型号
- 0805072
- 1350010
- 19400240467
- 19400240468
- 19400240471
- 19400240473
- 19400240474
- 19400240477
- 19400240478
- 19400240503
- 19400240512
- 19400240513
- 19400240514
- 19400240537
- 337-024-559-201
- 337-024-559-202
- 337-024-559-203
- 337-024-559-204
- 337-024-559-207
- 337-024-559-208
- 337-037-521-101
- 337-037-521-102
- 337-037-521-112
- A-7478-12A241T
- MB2M
- PD9501G-SFP
- PN5190B2HN/C130Y
- U-174/U
- U-174-U
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微