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General description
The UJA1078A core System Basis Chip (SBC) replaces the basic discrete components
commonly found in Electronic Control Units (ECU) with a high-speed Controller Area
Network (CAN) and two Local Interconnect Network (LIN) interfaces.
The UJA1078A supports the networking applications used to control power and sensor
peripherals by using a high-speed CAN as the main network interface and the LIN
interfaces as local sub-busses.
The core SBC contains the following integrated devices:
? High-speed CAN transceiver, inter-operable and downward compatible with CAN
transceiver TJA1042, and compatible with the ISO 11898-2 and ISO 11898-5
? LIN transceivers compliant with LIN 2.1, LIN 2.0 and SAE J2602, and compatible with
LIN 1.3
? Advanced independent watchdog (UJA1078A/xx/WD versions)
? 250 mA voltage regulator for supplying a microcontroller; extendable with external
PNP transistor for increased current capability and dissipation distribution
? Separate voltage regulator for supplying the on-board CAN transceiver
? Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (full duplex)
? 2 local wake-up input ports
? Limp home output port
In addition to the advantages gained from integrating these common ECU functions in a
single package, the core SBC offers an intelligent combination of system-specific
functions such as:
? Advanced low-power concept
? Safe and controlled system start-up behavior
? Detailed status reporting on system and sub-system levels
The UJA1078A is designed to be used in combination with a microcontroller that
incorporates a CAN controller. The SBC ensures that the microcontroller always starts up
in a controlled manner.
Features and benefits
Contains a full set of CAN and LIN ECU functions:
CAN transceiver and two LIN transceivers
Scalable 3.3 V or 5 V voltage regulator delivering up to 250 mA for a
microcontroller and peripheral circuitry; an external PNP transistor can be
connected for better heat distribution over the PCB
Separate voltage regulator for the CAN transceiver (5 V)
Watchdog with Window and Timeout modes and on-chip oscillator
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communicating with the microcontroller
ECU power management system
Designed for automotive applications:
Enhanced ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) performance
±8 kV ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection Human Body Model (HBM) on the
CAN/LIN bus pins and the wake-up pins
±6 kV ElectroStatic Discharge protection IEC 61000-4-2 on the CAN/LIN bus pins
and the wake-up pins
±58 V short-circuit proof CAN/LIN bus pins
Battery and CAN/LIN bus pins are protected against transients in accordance with
ISO 7637-3
Supports remote flash programming via the CAN bus
Small 6.1 mm × 11 mm HTSSOP32 package with low thermal resistance
Pb-free; Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) and dark green
CAN transceiver
ISO 11898-2 and ISO 11898-5 compliant high-speed CAN transceiver
Dedicated low dropout voltage regulator for the CAN bus:
Independent of the microcontroller supply
Significantly improves EMC performance
Bus connections are truly floating when power is off
SPLIT output pin for stabilizing the recessive bus level
LIN transceivers
2 × LIN 2.1 compliant LIN transceivers
Compliant with SAE J2602
Downward compatible with LIN 2.0 and LIN 1.3
Low slope mode for optimized EMC performance
Integrated LIN termination diode at pin DLIN
Power management
Wake-up via CAN, LIN or local wake-up pins with wake-up source detection
2 wake-up pins:
WAKE1 and WAKE2 inputs can be switched off to reduce current flow
Output signal (WBIAS) to bias the wake-up pins, selectable sampling time of 16 ms
or 64 ms
Standby mode with very low standby current and full wake-up capability; V1 active to
maintain supply to the microcontroller
Sleep mode with very low sleep current and full wake-up capability
Control and diagnostic features
Safe and predictable behavior under all conditions
Programmable watchdog with independent clock source:
Window, Timeout (with optional cyclic wake-up) and Off modes supported (with
automatic re-enable in the event of an interrupt)
16-bit Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for configuration, control and diagnosis
Global enable output for controlling safety-critical hardware
Limp home output (LIMP) for activating application-specific ‘limp home’ hardware in
the event of a serious system malfunction
Overtemperature shutdown
Interrupt output pin; interrupts can be individually configured to signal V1/V2
undervoltage, CAN/LIN/local wake-up and cyclic and power-on interrupt events
Bidirectional reset pin with variable power-on reset length to support a variety of
Software-initiated system reset
Voltage regulators
Main voltage regulator V1:
Scalable voltage regulator for the microcontroller, its peripherals and additional
external transceivers
±2 accuracy
3.3 V and 5 V versions available
Delivers up to 250 mA and can be combined with an external PNP transistor for
better heat distribution over the PCB
Selectable current threshold at which the external PNP transistor starts to deliver
Undervoltage warning at 90 of nominal output voltage and undervoltage reset at
90 or 70 of nominal output voltage
Can operate at VBAT voltages down to 4.5 V (e.g. during cranking), in accordance
with ISO 7637 pulse 4/4b and ISO16750-2
Stable output under all conditions
Voltage regulator V2 for CAN transceiver:
Dedicated voltage regulator for on-chip high-speed CAN transceiver
Undervoltage warning at 90 of nominal output voltage
Can be switched off; CAN transceiver can be supplied by V1 or by an external
voltage regulator
Can operate at VBAT voltages down to 5.5 V (e.g. during cranking) in accordance
with ISO 7637, pulse 4
Stable output under all conditions
- 类型
- 型号
- 制造商
NXP Semiconductors
- 功能描述
UJA1078ATW/HTSSOP32/REEL13//3V3/WD/1 - Tape and Reel
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
中天科工半导体(深圳)有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WDJ |
NXP USA Inc. |
24+ |
25000 |
in stock接口IC-原装正品 |
深圳市航润创能电子集团有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
NXP/恩智浦 |
21+ |
80000 |
只做原装假一赔十 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WDJ |
NXP(恩智浦) |
23+ |
SSOP-32-EP-6 |
9203 |
支持大陆交货,美金交易。原装现货库存。 |
深圳市海天鸿电子科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
1716+ |
? |
8600 |
只做原装进口,假一罚十 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
20+ |
SSOP-32 |
1001 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
深圳市河锋鑫科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
22+ |
9000 |
原厂渠道,现货配单 |
深圳市兴中芯科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
23+ |
30000 |
原厂原包 深圳现货 主打品牌 假一赔百 可开票! |
深圳市顺鑫晟科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
25+ |
SOT549 |
188600 |
全新原厂原装正品现货 欢迎咨询 |
深圳市创新迹电子有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
NXP/恩智浦 |
22+ |
25000 |
只有原装原装,支持BOM配单 |
深圳市亿智腾科技有限公司 |
UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD |
NXP/恩智浦 |
24+ |
NA |
58528 |
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UJA1078ATW/3V3/WD 产品相关型号
- 27260701
- ESD5471X-2/TR
- HF140FF/012-2HSWTFG
- STM32MP153A_V01
- STM32MP153D
- STM32MP157A
- STM32MP157A-DK1
- STM32MP157A-EV1
- TPW1R104PB
- UJA1078A
- UJA1078ATW/3V3
- UJA1078ATW/5V0
- UJA1078ATW/5V0/WD
- VB30100C
- VB30100C_V01
- VB30100C-E3
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NXP Semiconductors 恩智浦半导体公司
NXP恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)简称NXP,成立于2006年,其前身是1953年成立的荷兰飞利浦公司。公司总部位于荷兰埃因霍温,拥有超过五十年的悠久历史,目前在全球30多个国家和地区拥有约30,000名员工。2015年,NXP与另一家领先的半导体公司飞思卡尔(Freescale)合并,通过这一战略举措,公司在物联网和汽车领域进一步拓展了业务,重点发展安全可靠的边缘计算、连接技术和高效的电源管理解决方案。 在智能驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、下一代电动汽车以及跨物联网、移动设备和汽车生态系统的安全连接等关键领域,NXP确立了市场领导地位。根据2021年的数据显示,NXP在微