位置:CJ1M-CPU11/21 > CJ1M-CPU11/21详情
? Compact 90 × 65 mm (H × D) dimensions are first class in the industry.
? Provides excellent high-speed control performance, with high-speed processing of 0.1 μs for LD instructions and 13.3 μs for floating-point
? Other models are available with special functions such as the CJ1M-CPU2@, which provides positioning functions and built-in I/O, and the
? High-capacity Memory Cards up to 128 MB can be installed, and used to backup the program and system settings, or log customer data.
? The large instruction set can support diverse applications. Four types of programming are supported (ladder, structured text, sequential function
charts, and instruction lists), with approximately 400 instructions and 800 instruction variations.
? These CJ-series CPU Units support structured programming using function blocks, which can improve the customer's program development
? The various protection functions provide improved security to protect valuable software resources and property.
? The CPU Units are compatible with the CX-One Integrated Tool Package. Information for each component can be linked, and the system's data
can be integrated into one database. The software can provide total support from PLC settings to network startup.
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市创新迹电子有限公司 |
CJ1M-CPU12 |
2023+ |
8700 |
原装现货 |
深圳市恒佳微电子有限公司 |
CJ1W-16ET |
21+ |
5400 |
原装正品现货 |
深圳市鹏华威电子有限公司 |
CJ1W-AD041-V1 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
2023+ |
76 |
本周特价,支持实单,专营 OMRON |
深圳市禾兴威科技有限公司 |
CJ1W-AD04U |
OMRON(欧姆龙) |
23+ |
NA |
6800 |
原装正品,力挺实单 |
深圳市骏创达科技有限公司 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
2452+ |
/ |
330135 |
一级代理,原装正品现货 |
贸泽芯城(深圳)电子科技有限公司 |
CJ1M-CPU12 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
23+ |
10000 |
原厂授权一级代理,专业海外优势订货,价格优势、品种 |
北京光敏源科技有限公司 |
CJ1M-CPU12 |
OMRON 欧姆龙 |
2022+ |
20000 |
只做原装,可提供样品 |
深圳市星佑电子有限公司 |
CJ1W-AD081-V1 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
21+ |
原厂原封 |
5000 |
全新原装 现货 价优 |
深圳市鑫宇杨电子科技有限公司 |
CJ1W-AD081-V1 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
22+ |
30000 |
公司正品原装现货,只做原装 |
深圳市明嘉莱科技有限公司 |
CJ1W-AD081-V1 |
OMRON/欧姆龙 |
25+ |
880000 |
明嘉莱只做原装正品现货 |
CJ1M-CPU11/21 资料下载更多...
CJ1M-CPU11/21 产品相关型号
- 0011184107
- 0011184108
- 0011184109
- 0011184110
- 0011184111
- 0011184113
- 0011184114
- 0011184115
- 0011184116
- 2.0SMCJ5.0CA
- 2.0SMCJ6.0A
- 2.0SMCJ6.0CA
- 2.0SMCJ6.5A
- 2.0SMCJ6.5CA
- 2.0SMCJ7.0A
- 2.0SMCJ7.0CA
- 2.0SMCJ7.5A
- 2.0SMCJ7.5CA
- 2404671
- 2404677
- 622-009-260-046
- CJ1M-CPU11
- CJ1M-CPU12/13
- CJ1M-CPU13
- ELF-40-002
- SN65DSI86_V01
- SN65DSI86-Q1
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Omron Electronics LLC 欧姆龙株式会社
欧姆龙集团(Omron Corporation)成立于1933年,是全球知名的自动化控制及电子设备制造商,专注于传感与控制技术的开发与应用。通过持续创新,欧姆龙致力于满足不断变化的社会需求,目前在全球拥有超过29,000名员工,营业额达到7629亿日元。作为欧姆龙集团在美国的全资子公司,Omron Electronics LLC 提供多样化的产品和服务,包括可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、传感器、驱动器、继电器、人机界面及各种工业自动化设备,广泛应用于制造、运输、医疗和建筑等多个领域。公司致力于通过先进的技术与解决方案,帮助客户提高生产效率、降低成本,实现智能制造,同时积极响应工业4.0的变革。凭