位置:F280039CSPM > F280039CSPM详情
1 Features
? TMS320C28x 32-bit DSP core at 120 MHz
– IEEE 754 Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
? Support for Fast Integer Division (FINTDIV)
– Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
? Support for Nonlinear Proportional Integral
Derivative (NLPID) control
– CRC Engine and Instructions (VCRC)
– Ten hardware breakpoints (with ERAD)
? Programmable Control Law Accelerator (CLA)
– 120 MHz
– IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point
– Executes code independently of main CPU
? On-chip memory
– 384KB (192KW) of flash (ECC-protected)
across three independent banks
– 69KB (34.5KW) of RAM (ECC-protected)
– Dual-zone security
– Secure Boot and JTAG Lock
? Clock and system control
– Two internal 10-MHz oscillators
– Crystal oscillator or external clock input
– Windowed watchdog timer module
– Missing clock detection circuitry
– Dual-clock Comparator (DCC)
? 3.3-V I/O design
– Internal VREG generation allows for singlesupply design
– Brownout reset (BOR) circuit
? System peripherals
– 6-channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller
– 55 individually programmable multiplexed
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins
– 23 digital inputs on analog pins
– 2 digital inputs/outputs on analog pins (AGPIO)
– Enhanced Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (ePIE)
– Multiple low-power mode (LPM) support
– Embedded Real-time Analysis and Diagnostic (ERAD)
– Unique Identification (UID) number
? Communications peripherals
– One Power-Management Bus (PMBus) interface
– Two Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) interfaces
– One Controller Area Network (CAN/DCAN) bus port
– One Controller Area Network with Flexible
Data-Rate (CAN FD/MCAN) bus port
– Two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ports
– Two UART-compatible Serial Communication Interface (SCI)
– Two UART-compatible Local Interconnect
Network (LIN) interfaces
– Fast Serial Interface (FSI) with one transmitter and one receiver (up to 200Mbps)
? Analog system
– Three 4-MSPS, 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
? Up to 23 external channels (includes the two gpdac outputs)
? Four integrated Post-Processing Blocks (PPB) per ADC
– Four windowed comparators (CMPSS) with 12-bit reference Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
? Digital glitch filters
– Two 12-bit buffered DAC outputs
? Enhanced control peripherals
– 16 ePWM channels with eight channels that have high-resolution capability (150-ps resolution)
? Integrated dead-band support
? Integrated hardware trip zones (TZs)
– Three Enhanced Capture (eCAP) modules
? High-resolution Capture (HRCAP) available
on one of the three eCAP modules
– Two Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) modules with support for CW/CCW operation modes
– Eight Sigma-Delta Filter Module (SDFM) input channels (two parallel filters per channel)
? Standard SDFM data filtering
? Comparator filter for fast action for overvalue or undervalue condition
– Embedded Pattern Generator (EPG)
? Configurable Logic Block (CLB)
– 4 tiles
– Augments existing peripheral capability
– Supports position manager solutions
? Host Interface Controller (HIC)
– Access to internal memory from an external host
? Background CRC (BGCRC)
– One cycle CRC computation on 32 bits of data
? Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) accelerator
? Live Firmware Update (LFU)
– Fast context switching from old to new firmware
– Flash bank erase time improvements
? Diagnostic features
– Memory Power On Self Test (MPOST)
– Hardware Built-in Self Test (HWBIST)
? Package options:
– 100-pin Low-profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP) [PZ suffix]
– 80-pin Low-profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP) [PN suffix]
– 64-pin (LQFP) [PM suffix]
– 48-pin (LQFP) [PT suffix]
? Temperature options:
– Free-air (TA): –40°C to 125°C
– Junction (TJ): –40°C to 150°C
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
柒号芯城电子商务(深圳)有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
2024+ |
N/A |
70000 |
柒号只做原装 现货价秒杀全网 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI(德州仪器) |
23+ |
LQFP-64 |
8178 |
原厂可订货,技术支持,直接渠道。可签保供合同 |
深圳市得捷芯城科技有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI(德州仪器) |
23+ |
LQFP-64 |
12446 |
正规渠道,免费送样。支持账期,BOM一站式配齐 |
深圳市毅创辉电子科技有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
23+ |
LQFP-64 |
4800 |
原装正品公司现货! |
深圳市祥瑞智科技有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
25+ |
6000 |
原厂原装,价格优势!13246658303 |
深圳市宇集芯电子有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
24+ |
LQFP-64 |
10000 |
一级代理保证进口原装正品现货假一罚十价格合理 |
深圳兆威电子有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
22+ |
NA |
12118 |
原装正品支持实单 |
深圳市中联芯电子有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
24+ |
LQFP-64 |
9000 |
只做原装正品 有挂有货 假一赔十 |
深圳市德力诚信科技有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
24+ |
con |
35960 |
查现货到京北通宇商城 |
深圳市水星电子有限公司 |
F280039CSPM |
TI |
24+ |
64-LQFP |
31536 |
专注TI品牌原装正品代理分销,认准水星电子 |
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F280039CSPM 产品相关型号
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- OPA4325
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- PVD100
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- SM5A27T
- SM5A27T_V01
- SV50/6
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- SV5104C-06SC-TR3
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- TMS320F28026DA
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- TMS320F28026-Q1
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Texas Instruments 美国德州仪器公司
德州仪器(Texas Instruments),简称TI,是全球领先的半导体公司,为现实世界的信号处理提供创新的数字信号处理(DSP)及模拟器件技术。除半导体业务外,还提供包括传感与控制、教育产品和数字光源处理解决方案。TI总部位于美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯,并在25多个国家设有制造、设计或销售机构。 德州仪器(TI)是全球领先的数字信号处理与模拟技术半导体供应商,亦是推动因特网时代不断发展的半导体引擎。 ----作为实时技术的领导者,TI正在快速发展,在无线与宽带接入等大型市场及数码相机和数字音频等新兴市场方面,TI凭借性能卓越的半导体解决方案不断推动着因特网时代前进的步伐! ----TI预想未