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1 Features
Real-time Processing
? Contains up to three CPUs: two 32-bit C28x DSP
CPUs and one CLA CPU, all running at 200 MHz
? Delivers a total processing power equivalent to
1000-MHz Arm? Cortex?-M7 based device on realtime
signal chain performance (see the Real-time
Benchmarks Showcasing C2000? Control MCU's
Optimized Signal Chain Application Note)
? C28x DSP architecture
– IEEE 754 double-precision (64-bit) Floating-
Point Unit (FPU)
– Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
– Fast Integer Division (FINTDIV)
– CRC engine and instructions (VCRC)
? Control Law Accelerator (CLA) CPU
– IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point
– Executes code independently of C28x CPUs
? 1.28MB of CPU-mappable flash (ECC-protected)
with 5 flash banks
? 248KB of RAM (Enhanced Parity-protected)
? External Memory Interface (EMIF) with ASRAM,
SDRAM support or ASIC/FPGA
Analog Subsystem
? Three Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
– 16-bit mode, 1.19 MSPS each
– 12-bit mode, 3.92 MSPS each
– Up to 40 single-ended or 19 differential inputs
– Separate sample-and-hold (S/H) on each ADC
to enable simultaneous measurements
– Hardware post-processing of conversions
– Hardware oversampling (up to 128x) and
undersampling modes, with accumulation,
averaging and outlier rejection
– 24 redundant input channels for flexibility
– Automatic comparison of conversion results for
functional safety applications
? 11 windowed comparators with 12-bit Digital-to-
Analog Converter (DAC) references
– DAC with slope compensation – enabling peak
current and valley current mode control
– Connection options for internal temperature
sensor and ADC reference
? Two 12-bit buffered DAC outputs
Control Peripherals
? 36 Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) channels, all
with 150-ps high-resolution capability (HRPWM)
– Minimum Dead-Band Logic (MINDB), Illegal
Combo Logic (ICL), and other special features
(that is, Diode Emulation [DE]) support
– Enable Matrix Converters, Multilevel
Converters, and Resonant Converters support
without additional external logic
? Seven Enhanced Capture (eCAP) modules
– High-resolution Capture (HRCAP) available on
two of the seven eCAP modules
– Two new monitor units for edge, pulse width,
and period that can be coupled with ePWM
strobes and trip events
– Increased 256 inputs for more capture options
– New ADC SOC generation capability
– eCAP can also be used for additional PWM
– Six Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse
(eQEP) modules
– 16 Sigma-Delta Filter Module (SDFM) input
channels, 2 independent filters per channel
– Embedded Pattern Generator (EPG)
? Configurable Logic Block
– Six logic tiles to augment existing peripheral
capability or define customized logic to reduce
or remove external CPLD/FPGA
– Supports Encoder interfaces without the need
– Enables customized PWM generation for power
Communications Peripherals
? EtherCAT? SubordinateDevice (or SubDevice)
Controller (ESC)
? USB 2.0 (MAC + PHY)
? Fast Serial Interface (FSI) enabling up to 200Mbps
data exchange across isolation
? Four high-speed (up to 50-MHz) SPI ports
? Four Serial Communications Interfaces (SCI)
(support UART)
? Two high-speed (25Mbps) Universal
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UARTs)
? Two I2C interfaces (400Kbps)
? External boot option via SPI/ SCI/I2C
? Two UART-compatible Local Interconnect Network
(LIN) Modules (support SCI)
? Power-Management Bus (PMBus) interface
(supports I2C)
? One Controller Area Network (CAN/DCAN)
? Two CAN FD/MCAN Controller Area Networks with
Flexible Data Rate
System Peripherals
? Two 6-channel Direct Memory Access (DMA)
? 185 individually programmable multiplexed
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins
? Expanded Peripheral Interrupt controller (ePIE)
? Low-power mode (LPM) support
? Embedded Real-time Analysis and Diagnostic
? Background CRC (BGCRC)
Security Peripherals
? Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128, 192,
256) accelerator
? Security
– Zero-pin boot
– Dual-zone security
? Unique Identification (UID) number
Safety Peripherals
? Easier implementation with Reciprocal comparison
? Lockstep on C28x CPU 2
? Memory Power-On Self-Test (MPOST)
? Hardware Built-in Self-Test (HWBIST)
? Functional Safety-Compliant targeted
– Developed for functional safety applications
– Documentation will be available to aid
ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 system design
– Systematic capability up to ASIL D and SIL 3
– Hardware capability up to ASIL B and SIL 2
? Safety-related certification
– ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 certification up to
ASIL B and SIL 2 by T?V S?D planned
Clock and System Control
? Two internal 10-MHz oscillators
? On-chip crystal oscillator
? 2*APLL, BOR, Redundant interrupt vector RAM
? Windowed watchdog timer module
? Missing clock detection circuitry
? Dual-clock Comparator (DCC)
? Live Firmware Update (LFU)
– Fast context switching from old to new firmware
with or without a power cycle
? 1.2-V core, 3.3-V I/O design
– Internal VREG for 1.2-V generation
– Brownout reset (BOR) circuit
Package options:
? Lead-free, green packaging
? 256-ball New Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (nFBGA)
[ZEJ suffix], 13 mm × 13 mm/0.8-mm pitch
? 176-pin PowerPAD? Thermally Enhanced Lowprofile
Quad Flatpack (HLQFP) [PTP suffix],
26 mm × 26 mm/0.5-mm pitch
? 169-ball New Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (nFBGA)
[NMR suffix], 9 mm × 9 mm/0.65-mm pitch
? 100-pin PowerPAD? Thermally Enhanced Thin
Quad Flatpack (HTQFP) [PZP suffix], 16 mm ×
16 mm/0.5-mm pitch
? Ambient (TA ): –40°C to 125°C (industrial and
automotive qualified)
2 Applications
? Servo drive control module
? Robot Servo Drive
? CNC control
? Mobile robot motor control
? HVAC large commercial motor control
? Linear motor segment controller
? Central inverter
? String inverter
? Power Conversion System
? DC Fast Charging Station
? Inverter & motor control
? Industrial AC-DC
? Three phase UPS
? Single phase online UPS
? Merchant network and server PSU
? On-board (OBC) & wireless charger
? Automotive HVAC compressor module
? Headlight
3 Description
The TMS320F28P65x (F28P65x) is a member of the C2000? real-time microcontroller family of scalable,
ultra-low latency devices designed for efficiency in power electronics, including but not limited to: high power
density, high switching frequencies, and supporting the use of IGBT, GaN, and SiC technologies.
These include such applications as:
? Industrial motor drives
? Motor control
– Traction inverter motor control
– HVAC motor control
– Mobile robot motor control
? Solar inverters
– Central inverter
– Micro inverter
– String inverter
? Digital power
? Electrical vehicles and transportation
? EV charging infrastructure
? Energy Storage systems
? Industrial & collaborative robot
? Industrial machine & machine tools
? Industrial mobile robot
The real-time control subsystem is based on TI’s 32-bit C28x DSP core, which provides 200 MIPS of signalprocessing
performance in each core for floating- or fixed-point code running from either on-chip flash or SRAM.
This is equivalent to the 400-MHz processing power on a Cortex?-M7 based device (C28x DSP core gives two
times more performance than the Cortex?-M7 core).The C28x CPU is further boosted by the Trigonometric Math
Unit (TMU) and VCRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) extended instruction sets, speeding up common algorithms
key to real-time control systems. Extended instruction sets enable IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating-point
math. Finally, the Control Law Accelerator (CLA) enables an additional 200 MIPS per core of independent
processing ability. This is equivalent to the 280-MHz processing power on a Cortex?-M7 based device (CLA
CPU gives 40% more performance than the Cortex?-M7 core).
The lockstep dual-CPU comparator option has been added in the secondary C28x CPU along with ePIE and
DMA for detection of permanent and transient faults. To allow fast context switching from existing to new
firmware, hardware enhancements for Live Firmware Update (LFU) have been added to F28P65x.
High-performance analog blocks are tightly integrated with the processing and control units to provide optimal
real-time signal chain performance. The Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) has been enhanced with up to
40 analog channels, 22 of which have general-purpose input/output (GPIO) capability. Implementation of
oversampling is greatly simplified with hardware improvement. For safety-critical ADC conversions, a hardware
redundancy checker has been added that provides the ability to compare ADC conversion results from multiple
ADC modules for consistency without additional CPU cycles. Thirty-six frequency-independent PWMs, all with
high-resolution capability, enable control of multiple power stages, from 3-phase inverters to advanced multilevel
power topologies. The PWMs have been enhanced with Minimum Dead-Band Logic (MINDL) and Illegal Combo
Logic (ICL) features.
The inclusion of the Configurable Logic Block (CLB) allows the user to add custom logic and potentially integrate
FPGA-like functions into the C2000 real-time MCU.
An EtherCAT SubDevice Controller and other industry-standard protocols like CAN FD and USB 2.0 are
available on this device. The Fast Serial Interface (FSI) enables up to 200 Mbps of robust communications
across an isolation boundary.
As a highly connected device, the F28P65x also offers various security enablers to help designers implement
their cyber security strategy and support features like hardware encryption, secure JTAG and secure Boot.
From a safety standpoint, F28P65x supports numerous safety enablers. For more details, see Industrial
Functional Safety for C2000? Real-Time Microcontrollers and Automotive Functional Safety for C2000? Real-
Time Microcontrollers.
Want to learn more about features that make C2000 MCUs the right choice for your real-time control system?
Check out The Essential Guide for Developing With C2000? Real-Time Microcontrollers and visit the C2000?
real-time control MCUs page.
The Getting Started With C2000? Real-Time Control Microcontrollers (MCUs) Getting Started Guide covers all
aspects of development with C2000 devices from hardware to support resources. In addition to key reference
documents, each section provides relevant links and resources to further expand on the information covered.
Ready to get started? Check out the TMDSCNCD28P65X evaluation board and download C2000Ware.
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市纳立科技有限公司 |
TI |
三年内 |
1983 |
只做原装正品 |
万三科技(深圳)有限公司 |
TI |
22+ |
NA |
500000 |
万三科技,秉承原装,购芯无忧 |
深圳市海天鸿电子科技有限公司 |
TI |
1708+ |
? |
7500 |
只做原装进口,假一罚十 |
深圳市华斯顿科技有限公司 |
TI |
22+23+ |
37477 |
绝对原装正品全新进口深圳现货 |
深圳市毅创弘电子科技有限公司 |
TexasInstruments |
24+ |
80-LQFP(12x12) |
66800 |
原厂授权一级代理,专注汽车、医疗、工业、新能源! |
深圳市赛芯源科技有限公司 |
Texas Instruments |
20+ |
80-LQFP(12x12) |
90000 |
原装正品,现货通路商 |
深圳市斌腾达科技有限公司 |
Texas Instruments |
21+ |
48-LQFP |
5680 |
100%进口原装!长期供应!绝对优势价格(诚信经营 |
瀚佳科技(深圳)有限公司 |
TI |
24+ |
35200 |
一级代理分销/放心采购 |
艾睿国际(香港)有限公司 |
TI/德州仪器 |
2447 |
100500 |
一级代理专营品牌!原装正品,优势现货,长期排单到货 |
深圳市科雨电子有限公司 |
TI |
20+ |
QFP-80 |
932 |
就找我吧!--邀您体验愉快问购元件! |
TMS320F28P659SH6-Q1 资料下载更多...
TMS320F28P659SH6-Q1 产品相关型号
- 1825N1R0F250CT
- 1825N1R0F251CT
- 1825N1R0F252CT
- 1825N1R0F302CT
- 1825N1R0F402CT
- 2EZ160D5
- 2EZ16D5
- 342-058-500-207
- 3EZ4.7D5
- 892-042-500-101
- 892-042-500-102
- 892-042-500-103
- 892-042-500-104
- 892-042-500-107
- 892-042-500-108
- 892-042-500-112
- DSC6342HE2DA-T
- DSC6342HE2DB-001.0000B
- DSC6342HE2DB-001.0000T
- DSC6342HE2EA-T
- DSC6342HE2EB-001.0000B
- DSC6342HE2EB-001.0000T
- DSC6342HE2FA-T
- DSC6342HE2FB-001.0000B
- DSC6342HE2FB-001.0000T
- DSC6342HE2HA-T
- DSC6342HE2IA-T
- PS11365
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Texas Instruments
德州仪器(Texas Instruments),简称TI,是全球领先的半导体公司,为现实世界的信号处理提供创新的数字信号处理(DSP)及模拟器件技术。除半导体业务外,还提供包括传感与控制、教育产品和数字光源处理解决方案。TI总部位于美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯,并在25多个国家设有制造、设计或销售机构。德州仪器是推动互联网时代不断发展的半导体引擎,作为实时技术的领导者,TI正在快速发展,在无线与宽带接入等大型市场及数码相机和数字音频等新兴市场方面,凭借性能卓越的半导体解决方案不断推动着互联网时代的前进步伐。TI预想未来世界的方方面面都渗透着TI产品的点点滴滴,每个电话、每次上网、拍的每张照片、听的每