位置:UCC21550ADWR > UCC21550ADWR详情
1 Features
? Universal: dual low-side, dual high-side or
halfbridge driver
? Junction temperature range –40 to +150°C
? Up to 4-A peak source and 6-A peak sink output
? Common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) greater
than 125 V/ns
? Up to 25-V VDD output drive supply
– 5-V, 8-V VDD UVLO options
? Switching parameters:
– 33-ns typical propagation delay
– 5-ns maximum pulse-width distortion
– 10-μs maximum VDD power-up delay
? UVLO protection for all power supplies
? Fast disable for power sequencing
2 Applications
? On-board battery chargers
? High-voltage DC-DC converters
? Automotive HVAC, body electronics
3 Description
The UCC21550 is an isolated dual channel gate
driver family with programmable dead time and wide
temperature range. It is designed with 4-A peaksource
and 6-A peak-sink current to drive power
MOSFET, SiC, GaN, and IGBT transistors.
The UCC21550 can be configured as two lowsidedrivers,
two high-side drivers, or a half-bridge
driver. The input side is isolated from the two
output drivers by a 5-kVRMS isolation barrier, with
a minimum of 125-V/ns common-mode transient
immunity (CMTI).
Protection features include: resistor programmable
dead time, disable feature to shut down both outputs
simultaneously, and integrated de-glitch filter that
rejects input transients shorter than 5 ns. All supplies
have UVLO protection.
With all these advanced features, the UCC21550
device enables high efficiency, high power density,
and robustness in a wide variety of power
供应商 | 型号 | 品牌 | 批号 | 封装 | 库存 | 备注 | 价格 |
深圳市兴中芯科技有限公司 |
UCC21550ADWR |
TI |
23+ |
SOIC-16 |
20000 |
原厂原包 优质渠道 主打品牌 假一赔百 可开票! |
深圳市诺美思科技有限公司 |
UCC21550ADWR |
Texas Instruments |
23+/24+ |
16-SOIC |
8600 |
只供原装进口公司现货+可订货 |
深圳市弘扬芯城科技有限公司 |
UCC21551CQEVM-079 |
TI(德州仪器) |
2024+ |
N/A |
500000 |
诚信服务,绝对原装原盘 |
深圳市恒科翔业电子有限公司 |
UCC21551-Q1 |
TI德州仪器 |
22+ |
24000 |
原装正品现货,实单可谈,量大价优 |
深圳市祥瑞智科技有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
TI |
25+ |
6000 |
原厂原装,价格优势!13246658303 |
深圳市高捷芯城科技有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
TI(德州仪器) |
23+ |
SOP16300mil |
7350 |
现货供应,当天可交货!免费送样,原厂技术支持!!! |
芯权科技(深圳)有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
TI/德州仪器 |
23+ |
SOIC-16-300mil |
8355 |
只做原装现货/实单可谈/支持含税拆样 |
深圳企栗科技有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
TI(德州仪器) |
21+ |
N/A |
2274 |
全新原装亏本出 |
现代芯城(深圳)科技有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
24+ |
N/A |
62000 |
一级代理-主营优势-实惠价格-不悔选择 |
深圳市德力诚信科技有限公司 |
UCC21710DW |
TI |
24+ |
con |
320763 |
优势库存,原装正品 |
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UCC21550ADWR 产品相关型号
- 2202540250
- 2202540275
- 2202540300
- 2202540325
- 2202540350
- G1K
- KBU10005
- LM2595T-12
- LM2595T-3.3
- LM2595T-5.0
- LM2595T-ADJ
- LM2902KNSR
- OT2-A1-B
- OT2-A1-B/Q
- OT2-A-R
- OT2-A-R/Q
- OT2-A-S
- OT2-A-S/Q
- S8D
- UCC21550
- UCC21550BDWR
- UCC21550-Q1
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Texas Instruments
德州仪器(Texas Instruments),简称TI,是全球领先的半导体公司,为现实世界的信号处理提供创新的数字信号处理(DSP)及模拟器件技术。除半导体业务外,还提供包括传感与控制、教育产品和数字光源处理解决方案。TI总部位于美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯,并在25多个国家设有制造、设计或销售机构。德州仪器是推动互联网时代不断发展的半导体引擎,作为实时技术的领导者,TI正在快速发展,在无线与宽带接入等大型市场及数码相机和数字音频等新兴市场方面,凭借性能卓越的半导体解决方案不断推动着互联网时代的前进步伐。TI预想未来世界的方方面面都渗透着TI产品的点点滴滴,每个电话、每次上网、拍的每张照片、听的每